Weekly Roundup 12-July-2024

Kia ora and welcome to another Friday roundup, in which we pull together some of the links and stories that caught our eye this week. Feel free to add more in the comments! The week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Scott delivered a delicious disquisition on donut cities, and how the government’s new housing policy might fill the gap On Tuesday, Matt looked at recent presentations by KiwiRail and whether they’re ready to run customer-focused services when the CRL opens (not really).…

By George! Splendid streets take shape down south

The revitalisation of Auckland city centre, especially around Wynyard Quarter, Te Komititanga, and Queen Street, is top of mind for Greater Auckland readers – but other cities around Aotearoa New Zealandare installing people-friendly streets. This guest post by Jessica de Heij, who grew up in the Netherlands and is an advocate for 15-minute cities, highlights recent transformations in Dunedin and Invercargill.…

Why is the Government flooring it on unsafe speeds?

Feedback closes midnight Thursday 11 July, on the draft speed-setting rule. See our previous post on the subject for details, and guidance on having your say. Among other things, it proposes to raise speeds in cities back up to a universal 50km/h (with no option of 30km/h), and will restrict safe speeds for children to a tiny, time-limited bubble at school gates.…

Weekly Roundup 5-July-2024

Welcome to the second half of the year! And another roundup of stories that caught our eye over the week. As always, feel free to add anything we’ve missed, in the comments. The fortnight on Greater Auckland Last week was a short week, but nonetheless action-packed: On Monday, we introduced an easy way to support Greater Auckland’s work for a better city.…

Government ignorant of local transport needs

This is a collective post by several Greater Auckland authors. (The header image shows children trying to cross the road a few hundred metres from a school gate, at a location where a raised crossing was subsequently installed.) The final version of the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) landed on Thursday, at the last possible minute, just before the long weekend.…