Mar-20 AT Board Meeting

Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board meet once again, only this time presumably via video chat. Here are some of the highlights from the board papers published in advance. Like everyone else, AT have gone into lockdown and that means projects currently under construction have had to shut down.…

Feb-19 Ridership

With the country rapidly moving towards lockdown, thinking about how many people used public transport last month doesn’t seem like a high priority, but then nor does a lot of other things. Over the last decade we’ve seen public transport use in Auckland grow like never before, rising by over 44 million trips to nearly 104 million and 60% of that was in just the last five years.…

Weekly Roundup – 20-Mar-20

Wow what a week. Here’s our weekly roundup AT’s COVID-19 Response Auckland Transport’s response to COVID-19 has evolved over the week since the first announcement on Tuesday. On Wednesday they said that people paying cash on buses would be given a free HOP card in a bid to keep bus drivers safer by minimising physical contact between them and customers.…

You can keep using PT (for now)

There’s only one thing dominating public discussion these days and that’s COVID-19. With concerns about the spread of the virus it’s already having an impact on if and how people travel as well as the city at large with the streets feeling much emptier than usual, especially for this time of the year.…