Weekly Roundup 31-May-24
Winter starts tomorrow, although on the bright side it begins with a long weekend (happy birthday to all the kings and queens of urbanism out there), and another Rāmere Roundup! Here are a few things that caught our eye this week.…
In praise of alleyways and paths through parks
The Waitematā Local Board is currently consulting on the cutely named Local Active Modes Plan (aka LAMP), which aims to illuminate a programme of quick wins for walking and cycling. There’s a nifty drop-a-pin map here. Get in quick – consultation closes tomorrow, Friday 31 May, presumably at midnight.…
Gas Station watch
Gas Stations sit the very intersection of transport, land use, and the energy transition, so are interesting to watch. Especially in the city core. The three buildings shown here are all on the sites of former gas stations in central Auckland.…
Children’s Voices in Auckland’s Future
Recently, the transport consultancy Crank publicly released a report about children’s vision for transport in Auckland. It was produced in 2023 to help shape Auckland Council’s Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) Reduction Strategy.
That got me thinking, and after going back to the recent Long Term Plan Consultation Feedback results, one thing stuck out to me.…
May-24 AT Board Meeting
Tomorrow the AT board meet again and I’ve taken a look through the items on their public agenda to see what’s interesting. It’s also the first meeting for two recently appointed directors, former director at Ritchies Transport, Andrew Ritchie and former mayor of Hamilton, Julie Hardaker.…
Weekly Roundup 24-May-2024
Another Friday, another Rāmere Roundup! Here are a few things that caught our eye this week. This Week in Greater Auckland On Monday, our new writer Connor Sharp roared into print with a future-focused take on the proposed Auckland Future Fund, and what it could invest in.…
Photo of the Day: GNR
This post marks the return of an old format: Photo of the Day.
Recently I was in an apartment in one of those new buildings on Great North Road Grey Lynn at rush hour. Perfect day, the view was stunning, so naturally I whipped out my phone:
Turns out I caught a fascinating moment; compare these two details: a lone traveller heading west on GNR, and, in the distance: State Highway 16 doing its afternoon rush thing.…
How Government’s road obsession is ruining Auckland’s transport plans
“TL;DR: The reality is that Central Government’s transport policy and direction makes zero sense for Auckland, and if the draft GPS doesn’t change from its original form, then Auckland will be on a collision course with Wellington.”
Auckland’s draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2024 is now out for consultation, with feedback open until 17 June.…
After much debate, the Auckland Future Fund was approved. So what should it be used for?
On Thursday 17 May, the Mayoral Proposal for Auckland’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 was passed by Auckland Council, 20 to 1. It is set to be formally adopted by the Governing Body at its June 27th meeting.
The entire process took 8 hours, with the vast majority of that time revolving around the only contentious topic of the day: the proposed Auckland Future Fund.…
Weekly Roundup 17-May-2024
We’re at the end of another week. Here’s some of the things that caught our attention this week. This Week in Greater Auckland On Monday Matt asked if the Herald’s poor journalism will cost lives
On Tuesday Matt covered Wayne Brown’s proposal for public transport in the Long Term Plan
On Wednesday Matt looked at the governments Roads of Regional Significance announcement LTP Passes
Yesterday the council’s Long Term Plan was passed yesterday, including Wayne Brown’s recent changes for public transport.…
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