Unitary Plan notified
Today the Unitary Plan has finally been formally notified meaning it is now out for public consultation. Here is the official press release:
The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan is now online, marking its official notification and the start of the formal submission phase, that will run until 28 February 2014.…
Auckland’s first urban cycleway!
This is a cross post from our friends at Cycle Action Auckland
Yes we can! – our first “Urbanway” is coming.
As part of exciting changes in central Auckland, Auckland Transport has now released images of the new plans for the traffic-separated cycle paths along Beach Road.…
Chance to Give Wellington Some Spine
This is a Guest Post by Generation Zero Wellington member Paul Young
Following an 18-month process, the Wellington Public Transport Spine Study was finally released in June and picked bus rapid transit (BRT) in favour of light rail as the best option for a new high-quality public transport system in Wellington city.…
Auckland Geography works against roads
When I first started reading this op-ed in the heralds motoring section the other day I thought “here we go, this is sounding like someone wanting to push some form of petrolhead nirvana”
Paul Charman says stop your complaining and celebrate the people who get us through the Queen City’s roading maze
If quantum physics allowed it, somebody should journey back to 1840 and shoot Governor Hobson.…
Parnell Station a step closer
Auckland Transport have announced that the Parnell Rail Station has moved a step closer after being approved to go into detailed design.
A rail station at Parnell is a step closer with the Board of Auckland Transport approving the commencement of the detailed design phase.…
Unitary Plan and the Auckland Design Manual
Yesterday I attended two events related to the unitary plan. The first was held by the council and covered off the next steps of the Unitary Plan along with the Auckland Design Manual. The second was a talk on the issues with the plan hosted by Construkt.…
Your chance to see Alice
We’ve been keeping an eye on what is happening at Waterview and the construction of Alice the massive TBM that will be used to drill the tunnels. Tunnelling itself is due to start next month and so before that begins, the NZTA are going to be holding an open day so the public can have a look at the project and the machine.…
Motorway Traffic Volumes
Along with keeping a close eye on public transport patronage, I also like track what is happening with traffic volumes. The NZTA release traffic volumes for a handful of sites on the state highway network on a monthly basis and release a much larger number of sites on an annual basis.…
Gen Zero Scorecards
Today the first of the Generation Zero Local Election Scorecards were released. Go to Generation Zero for all the fun. Here’s an example of the summary for an Auckland Ward: And here’s how it was covered by Scoop:
Youth organisation Generation Zero today released scorecards communicating information on candidate stances on important local issues, which it has gathered from conducting interviews around the country.…
How much of a “cost” is congestion really?
Like all things in life, when it comes to transport there are always more projects being dreamed up than there is money available. So to determine just what should be built and when there needs to be some sort of prioritisation process. …
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