September-21 Board Meeting
Today the Auckland Transport board meet again and here are the highlights from their board reports. You can also watch the open session of the meeting live between 9am to 9:55am if you want via this Microsoft Teams link. Closed Agenda
Below are the items from the closed agenda that caught my attention the most.…
Kid’s-eye view of a waterfront ride
For me, the best thing about lockdown, hands-down, has been sharing the road with heaps more other people on bikes than I usually do. I get particularly excited when I see a whole family out on bikes together.
A couple of weekends ago, I went for a ride along the waterfront with the kids who are in my bubble.…
Midtown Regeneration
Earlier this year work on the downtown area of the city centre was finally completed after three years of work. The work has included strengthening the sea wall, rebuilding Quay St into a more people friendly space, the new Te Wananga public space, the new ferry terminal berths, Te Komititanga and the refurbished chief post office building, the downtown bus interchange.…
How do our Fares Compare
In order for Auckland to achieve its goals of reducing emissions, improving liveability and mobility we are going to require significant mode shift away from driving. Some of that shift will come from people travelling less, some from a shift to active modes but the lion’s share will need to come from more people using public transport.…
Weekly Roundup 24-September-2021
Hope you’ve had a great week. Here’s our roundup of interesting stories. The week in Greater Auckland posts Monday’s post was a guest post by Chris Lange, about his street’s successful play streets events and subsequent confusing follow-up by AT
On Tuesday, Matt wrote about the outcomes of Auckland Light Rail’s 6-month investigation phase
On Wednesday we had a guest post by Paul Callister and Robert McLachlan about the immense amount of road construction in the Kāpiti Coast and Horowhenua, and what that means for the region’s emissions
Thursday’s post, again from Matt, covered the latest designs for Queen Street Bus stop names
The names of bus stops are changing to make it easier for many to navigate.…
The Latest Queen St Design
Auckland Council took over the Queen St changes some time ago after seemingly getting frustrated at Auckland Transports inability to do its job. They’ve been behind the recent changes between Customs and Shortland St and yesterday released the latest in their plans for improving Queen St.…
Kāpiti Coast and Horowhenua – Planning for a High Carbon Future
This is a guest post by readers Paul Callister and Robert McLachlan. For more of Robert McLachlan’s writing on climate planning, we recommend his Planetary Ecology blog.
The challenges of decarbonising Auckland’s transport are significant. But are other regions also playing their part?…
Auckland Light Rail suggest Light Rail in Auckland
Auckland Light Rail (ALR) have announced they think light rail is the best solution for the City Centre to Mangere corridor, though they are still holding back key details about just what that could be.
Back in April when this latest process was announced the Minister confirmed was keen to reassure us and the public that this wouldn’t be a case of starting from scratch once again.…
Auckland Transport Protects Children From Mandarin Hazard
This is a guest post by Chris Lange.
I live with my whanau in a quiet cul-de-sac street in Massey, West Auckland. At the request of fellow residents our street was lucky enough to be chosen to take part in Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Innovating Streets for People programme.…
Weekly Roundup 17-September-2021
Kia ora, hope our Auckland readers are hanging in there – halfway through week five! The week in Greater Auckland
In case you missed it, here’s what we published this week:
Monday’s post was by John Polkinghorne, discussing why urbanism is important and relevant to everyone.…
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