Weekly Roundup 29-September-2023
Welcome to Friday and the last one for September. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Matt highlighted at the latest with the City Rail Link.
On Tuesday, Matt covered the interesting items from Auckland Transport’s latest board meeting agendas.
On Thursday, a guest post from Darren Davis looked at South East Queensland’s public transport network.…
Untangling South East Queensland’s Public Transport
This is a cross post Adventures in Transitland by Darren Davis. I recently visited Brisbane and South East Queensland and came away both impressed while also pondering some key changes to make public transport even better in the region. Here goes with my take on things.…
September-23 AT Board Meeting
Today the AT board meet again and once again I’ve taken a look at what’s on the agenda to find the most interesting items. Closed Agenda
Interestingly when I first looked at the agendas this paper was there but at the time of writing this post it had been removed.…
CRL Progress – Sep-23
It’s been a while since we looked at the latest with the City Rail Link and there’s been some fantastic milestones recently.
To start with, and most recently, CRL have released an awesome video showing a full fly-through of one of the tunnels.…
The Mayor and the ‘Manifesto for Auckland’
Once upon a time, manifestos were a key feature of the election period, arriving in letterboxes in solid printed form, and full of details of what each party proposed to do and why. These days, we get a little pledge card with a few bullet points on it.…
Weekly Roundup 15-September-2023
It’s Friday again so here are a handful of articles that caught our attention this week. The week in Greater Auckland On Monday we asked how will AT work with the council over the RLTP
On Wednesday Matt covered the latest in the debate about a new stadium HOP Attack
AT Advises:
AT is currently experiencing issues with its AT HOP services.…
The Stadium Debate Again
Auckland’s seemingly ever ongoing stadium debate is about to kick off again with the council putting out a Request for Expressions of Interest for what they call “Auckland Main Stadium”. This isn’t actually about building something but is part of efforts of a council working group to narrow down the options, including some of the many proposals that have been suggested over the years.…
How will AT work with Council on the RLTP?
At last month’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee (TIC) meeting on 17 August, Mayor Wayne Brown proposed reforming the governance and investment direction for Auckland Transport, with unanimous backing from councillors.
As a first step to “changing Auckland’s complex transport ecosystem”, the Mayor’s motion included a request that Council and AT work together to develop the next Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP).…
Weekly Roundup 8-September-2023
Welcome to Friday The week in Greater Auckland On Monday we ran a guest post from Malcolm McCracken about the Carrington (Unitec) Development.
On Wednesday Matt looked at the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport, which is also effectively Labour’s election policy.…
Improving Carrington Rd?
With all of the housing planned for the Carrington development (as well as additional development happening within the wider area, Auckland Transport have launched an initial consultation on plans to upgrade Carrington Rd with bus/transit and bike lanes.
The Carrington Road Improvements project is evaluating how space within the street can best be used, to accommodate population growth and provide people with improved travel options.…
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