March-22 AT Board Meeting

The Auckland Transport Board meet again tomorrow and here are the highlights from their board reports. You can also watch the open session of the meeting live between 10:10am to 10:30am via this Microsoft Teams link. Closed Session Below are the most interesting items from the closed agenda.…

ATs Parking Strategy Refresh nears Consultation

Late last year we heard about the Auckland Transport’s review of their Parking Strategy. At that time, they were seeking approval from the Council’s Planning Committee on the strategic direction of the strategy. On Thursday they are seeking the approval of the Planning Committee and the AT board to put the strategy out for public consultation.…

Regional Public Transport

This is a guest post by Paul Callister. Featured image: the Southerner Service at Dunedin Railway Station, via Save Our Trains on Twitter. In November 2021, over 100 elected officials representing local and regional councils from Northland to Bluff sent an open letter to the Minister of Transport, Michael Wood.…

Weekly Roundup 25-March-2022

Kia ora! Hope everyone survived the deluge that we started the week with. That, and lots more to think about in our roundup this week. The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post was a guest post from the Mayor’s office explaining how the Climate Action Targeted Rate will be used to improve buses, walking and cycling.…

Wanted: Change Agent

The job advertisement for new CEO of Auckland Transport was posted on Monday, with a closing date of 31 March 2022. Just ten days to get your CV together or shoulder-tap your ideal candidates! Here’s the role in a nutshell: AT is seeking an exceptional Chief Executive to lead the organisation.…

The IEAs 10-Point Plan for less oil

Responding to high fuel prices, in part a result of Russia’s murderous invasion of Ukraine, is a hot topic all around the world right now. In response, the International Energy Agency (IEA) are calling on countries to cut oil usage within four months, noting that measures such as just cutting fuel taxes “do not address the broader strains affecting the market“.…

Delivering Climate Action in Auckland

This is a guest post from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland. Consultation on Auckland Council’s proposed Annual Budget for 2022/23 opened on 28 February and runs until 28 March. The centrepiece of the budget is a proposal for a Climate Action Package that, with co-funding from the government, would allocate more than $1 billion over the next 10 years for a range of initiatives to reduce emissions and the impact of climate change.…

Weekly Roundup 18-March-2022

Another week, and just like that we’re halfway through March! Welcome to our weekly roundup. The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post covered the recent meeting of Auckland Council’s Environment and Climate Change committee, and the councillor’s responses to the tragic death of Levi James, on his bike in Royal Oak.…