Finally some balance in the Housing debate
As we have talked about a few times now, there has been some very one sided reporting in regards to the Unitary Plan. Some of it even seems to be scaremongering. So it was extremely pleasing to see a story with some balance yesterday, although not from the Herald but from Campbell Live.…
How genuine are the supposed “bus fans”?
Rodney Hide’s opinion piece in the Herald on Sunday highlighted an issue that’s been bugging me for some time – whether those opposing the City Rail Link on the grounds that “buses can do the job fine” are really interested in improving Auckland’s bus system or not.…
Trends in vehicle travel in NZ
Nerd alert; this post is chock-full of graphs. Plus a few “hypotheses”, just to keep things exciting. And a dog, because I like dogs.
For those of you who are new to the data game but want to participate in the nerdy excitement, let me first explain the rules.…
AT cracking down on train fare evaders
Auckland Transport say they are cracking down on fare evading in their most sternly worded statement to date, here is the press release:
Auckland Transport and Veolia crack down on train fare theft
Auckland Transport (AT) and its operator Veolia Transport are cracking down even further on fare evaders to make it fair on the majority of honest customers.…
Funding Transport in the Future
For the last 6 months or so, a group of people representing organisations from all corners of society have been looking at the issue of how we will pay for all of the transport projects on the councils massive wish list that is the Auckland Plan.…
Misinformation continues about the CRL
Last week I wrote a post about how we need to stop underselling major PT projects like the CRL. I was – and still am – frustrated at the lack of useful information being put out by Auckland Transport that can be used to clearly show the benefits of them.…
Rodney Hide on the CRL
What is it about right wing politicians in this country and a seemingly irrational fear of trains? Rodney Hide has written his weekly column on the City Rail Link and the two most recent reports, the 2010 business case and the 2012 City Centre Future Access Study.…
The NZ Herald: Whipping up fear?
I’m a proud Aucklander.
My job often takes me overseas. I’m actually writing this from Brisbane. And often when I fly back to Auckland I find a small tear forming in the corner of my eye. I’m happy not just because I get to see colleagues, friends, family, and Baby Kuku (see below).…
How will our roads cope with 20% more vehicles on them?
Two more days this week have shown just how vulnerable our transport network is because of the lack of viable alternatives.
There was chaos on Auckland’s roads once again on Wednesday. Unlike the major incident a month or so ago on the Newmarket Viaduct, this time there appears to have been number of factors that combined together to cause massive problems for motorists. …
Why is the Herald being so one sided over the Unitary Plan?
One of the things that prompted me to write a post explaining why I want intensification in my neighbourhood was due to the seemingly one sided debate coming out of our major newspaper. It seemed almost every single article that discusses the Unitary Plan had a negative slant to it and I can only recall seeing one story even slightly balanced.…
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