Weekly Roundup – 30-Oct-20
Here’s our weekly roundup New Electric Buses
Auckland Transport has launched its newest electric bus and it’s unique because it’s also the biggest one we’ve had so far.
Auckland Transport (AT) has launched its latest electric bus, as the next step towards reducing the city’s carbon emissions.…
The Drury Problem
On Tuesday in my summary of the upcoming Auckland Transport Board meeting I highlighted the issue of the five significant private plan changes in and around Drury. These plan changes are causing concern as they are ‘out of sequence’ with the current development strategy, a classic move by the sprawl industrial complex.…
Are we doing enough?
Auckland has made impressive progress on improving public transport over the last 10-15 years, when you consider how low the base was we were coming from. The city also has a lot of exciting plans for the coming decade, many of which are already underway. …
Oct-20 AT Board Meeting
The Auckland Transport board meet again on Thursday and it’s been a while since I covered one of them, so I thought I’d get back to doing that again. Closed Agenda
As always it’s the closed session where all the most interesting stuff occur and this meeting is no different.…
Weekly Roundup – 23-Oct-20
Here’s our weekly roundup CRL TBM Arrives
The Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) that will dig the City Rail Link tunnels arrived in Auckland this week.
City Rail Link’s latest “employee” – the tunnel boring machine (TBM) known as Dame Whina Cooper – has arrived in Auckland after a voyage of more than nine thousand kilometres from its factory in southern China.…
East St Cycle surprise
Construction of the City Rail Link is now in full swing and that means lots of truck movements in the area. As an unexpected but positive surprise, Auckland Transport are proposing a new safe cycling link to connect Karangahape Rd with Te Ara I Whiti – Lightpath via East St, at least until the station construction has been completed.…
Narrow Lanes are a good thing
As a society we are facing many challenges we need to address and transport sits at the heart of a number of those. For example, we know that we need to respond to climate change, to improve road safety and to improve urban mobility and we need to improve public health.…
The Auckland Freight Plan
Image Credit: KiwiRail
A plan being released this week will have implications not just on how we move stuff around Auckland, but on safety in our road corridors and on our climate response. Its summary, the Auckland Freight Plan Summary Report was presented by Auckland Transport at the September AT Board meeting.…
What we need the new government to deliver over the next 3 years
Labour’s resounding election win on Saturday means it can govern alone and without the ‘hand brake’ of NZ First. The result also means they now have no excuses for not delivering and gives the opportunity for some transformational change, but the fear is they won’t make the most of that.…
Weekly Roundup – 16-Oct-20
Here’s our weekly roundup Next Train Shutdown
For the last four weeks the Southern and Onehunga Lines between Newmarket and Penrose have been closed while Kiwirail replace the worn out tracks. Trains will be rolling on those tracks again from Monday and the good news is it also means some of the speed restrictions are being lifted.…
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