Northern Corridor moving ahead
Auckland has no shortage of big road projects on the go at the moment but one of them that has at least improved a bit over the last few years has been the Northern Corridor Improvements project. This plans to convert the last remaining part of SH18 to full motorway standard with some direct motorway to motorway ramps to the north along with extra lanes. …
Making Light Rail fast enough on Dominion Rd
Following on from my post a few days ago on light rail being preferred to the airport – which has been one of the most commented on that we’ve ever had – by far the most common concern is around the speed of light rail, particularly on the section along Dominion Rd.…
Bike Both Ways on (some) Shared Spaces
Filed under the banner of small but useful changes, Auckland Transport have allowed people on bikes to ride in any direction on some of the one way shared spaces in the CBD and will be looking to roll it out further.…
City size, variety, and consumer surplus
In the 1990s, in the early years of the information technology revolution, economist Robert Solow famously commented that “you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” Two decades on, that still rings true. Social life has been profoundly transformed by new technology: It has altered the way we communicate with friends and family, how we entertain ourselves, and even how we date.…
Light Rail Preferred to Airport
A big day yesterday with Auckland Transport officially deciding to drop the option of heavy rail to the airport in favour of light rail (LRT) or perhaps even buses as had been foreshadowed in the Herald in the morning but also hinted at for some time from previous information released by AT.…
End of June AT Board Meeting
Today is the latest Auckland Transport Board meeting and it appears to be a big one with a lot of items to cover. I’ve gone through the documents to highlight the parts I’ve found interesting.
Closed Session
The closed session in particular has a number of interesting topics on the agenda, these are some of them up for approval/decision Matakana Link Road – this is the road that is planned from roughly the end of the Puhoi to Warkworth Motorway across to Matakana Rd so all those using the motorway to get to their holiday homes at Christmas don’t have to travel through the Hill St intersection.…
Road pricing #1 – Political poppycockatoos
Well, well, well. What a week.
For those who are interested in Brexit, I am currently writing a short paper on the topic that I hope to make available via the Blog.
Right now, however, I want to cover political issues closer to home.…
Auckland Conversations: The Future of Housing in Auckland
More homes at Hobsonville
If you’ve been near Hobsonville Point recently you’ll have seen it’s going off and is currently a hive of building activity. There was some very positive news this week about that would now be developed with twice as many homes as originally intended, especially some of the reasons as to why this has happened, which I’ve emphasised below.…
Construction Crunch
I’ve been saying for a while now that the construction sector is under pressure – there are too many people wanting things built, and not enough builders to do the work.
That’s a simplistic view, as construction companies can put in overtime, hire more people from overseas, or look for more efficient ways to build.…
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