The Holiday Highway’s health and education benefits?

Some more debate over the merits of the Puhoi-Wellsford “holiday highway” in parliament today, this time with Associate Transport Minister Simon Bridges answering questions from the Greens’ Julie-Anne Genter: You can read the transcript of the exchange here. It’s refreshing to see someone actually try to answer the questions, rather than just throw abuse around, like Brownlee often does.…

Improving buses in Mangere

A bit of a Mangere day today. A story in the Aucklander last week discussed how poorly the area is served by public transport, particularly to one of the biggest local employment areas, the airport. Sixteen bus services pass through Mangere Bridge every day yet none travels directly to the area’s biggest employer, Auckland Airport.…

What to do with the Old Mangere Bridge?

NZTA and the Council have decided the Old Mangere Bridge needs to be replaced and there is public consultation on the options now open for feedback. More detail here: Project purpose Recent reports indicate that the bridge has a five to ten year lifespan so it’s important the bridge is replaced as soon as possible.…

The 2008 Puhoi-Wellsford Study

The TVNZ website is reporting that a 2008 study into the Puhoi-Wellsford project, before it became a “Road of National Significance”, highlighted that it was an expensive and rather unnecessary project – at least in the immediate future. Here’s a snippet of the story: Four years ago a roading consultancy group now working on the upgrade wrote: “The scope for substantial economic growth…is limited.”……

A more detailed view of the CRL alignment

Auckland Transport have published a new map of the CRL alignment showing just where the tunnels and stations will be going. What is interesting is just how far apart the the tunnels are at the K Rd and Newton stations. And here is a bit of a closer look at the area around the stations.  And a close up look at the the eastern link…

The government’s bizarre response to the Auckland Plan

Central government has put together an official response to the Council’s Auckland Plan. While in many areas there’s support and agreement, one obvious place where the two views don’t match up is in relation to transport. Discussion around the government’s position on the Council’s transport plans for the next 30 years is quite extensive, but a little bit hard to comprehend.…