Could we have Solar Roads?
Roads and associated infrastructure like car parks take up huge amounts of space and often, particularly outside of peak times – they aren’t used all that often. One couple think that perhaps we could put the roads to better use and also generate electricity from them and they’ve even come up with a prototype.…
Has Len gone loopy?
A statement you won’t often hear on this blog is “I agree with Cameron Brewer” but you will hear it today. It’s in response to an his statements in this article in the Manukau Courier:
Public transport could get another boost if mayor Len Brown’s light rail loop for Manukau gets the green light.…
NZBus Comparison
A nice little video NZBus put together for a recent transport conference of CEO Zane Fulljames comparing getting between their Onehunga depot and the Wynyard Quarter by car and by alternative modes. I imagine Zane could have saved even more time if he took his bike on the train and rode from Britomart.…
Station Links
Instead of building heaps of new park and rides across the region I think that the biggest opportunity is to improve access to PT is to make it easier to get to by walking or cycling. This covers not just the train stations but the entire PT network and I think there’s probably a heap of opportunities to make services easier to access.…
Happy Birthday Auckland Harbour Bridge
The Harbour Bridge is arguably Auckland’s most visible and well known piece of transport infrastructure and it’s 55 years old today. The bridge was famously built as a scaled back version of what was originally intended and for exceeding traffic projections. …
Watch JSK’s Auckland Conversations talk
If you missed Janette Sadik-Khan’s awesome talk on Monday to an enthralled audience at the Aotea Centre, you can watch it online here. At 90 minutes for the whole thing it’s quite long, but definitely worth it as it was a great presentation.…
More bus lanes required – Mt Eden Road
Mount Eden Road is one of our premier isthmus bus corridors, now having a very high frequency. Between 7am and 9am 36 buses depart Three Kings, or nearly one every 3 minutes. Half of all Airbuses also use this corridor giving an extra 3 per hour each way.…
How to charge for P&R
The parking discussion document released yesterday one of the suggested outcomes related to the pricing of park and ride. The document notes:
Park and ride sites in Auckland are free to users which do not reflect the true costs and benefits of using park and ride, and can provide a disincentive to walk, cycle or users of the feeder bus services.…
Photo of Day: New Barnes Dance
One of the most frustrating intersections as a pedestrian has just got a little easier as Auckland Transport have just installed a Barnes Dance on it. The change also includes adding countdown timers to the pedestrian signals but so far perhaps one key missing ingredient is markings showing that people can cross in all directions.…
AT launches Draft Parking Discussion Document
On Saturday Auckland Transport release a discussion document that could have huge long term implications for Auckland. It is about how parking will be managed across the region and you can read it here (2.26MB). This is an all-encompassing parking document and covers both on and off street parking from the CBD all the way down to suburban streets and park and ride.…
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