A Transportblog milestone

Transportblog has reached a milestone, this is our 5,000th post. The blog was started in 2008 to discuss transport, its role in making Auckland what it is today and how Auckland could be made a better place in the future. Over time we’ve also expanded on that and now talk also about wider urban issues, housing being one of the most prominent.…

Lightpath hits 100k

A little celebration as our favourite pink path has reached a new milestone today with now more than 100,000 trips made across it, just four months after opening. What’s more, data from Auckland Transport shows that on a monthly basis Te Ara I Whiti is already the third busiest cycleway in Auckland trailing only Quay St and Tamaki Dr for the number of trips taken.…

Auckland Conversations: Cities in Action

Auckland recently joined C40 which is a group of over 80 cities worldwide working to address climate change. The executive director of C40 was recently in Auckland and while he was here held an Auckland Conversations talk. During his talk a lot of the focus was on transport and the huge role it has on shaping cities, making them more liveable and of course it’s impact on the climate.…