“A slow-motion earthquake”

We didn’t cover it much at the time, but one of the most significant events of last year was the Paris Outcome that world leaders agreed at climate talks in December. It’s a big deal. For the first time, every country on earth agreed that it was a necessity to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.…

Sunday reading 28 February 2016

Welcome back to Sunday reading. This week, let’s start with a new research paper on complexity. Oxford University researchers ask, “are big-city transportation systems too complex for human minds?” Many of us know the feeling of standing in front of a subway map in a strange city, baffled by the multi-coloured web staring back at us and seemingly unable to plot a route from point A to point B.…

A brief explanation of what just happened with the Unitary Plan

Over the past week Transportblog has published several posts on the brouhaha (or is that kerfuffle?) about Auckland Council’s position on Unitary Plan rezoning. However, we haven’t really taken a higher-altitude view on the issue. So here’s a quick summary. The underlying issue is that Auckland’s home prices are really, really high, and rising rapidly.…

TFUG: North

Last week Auckland Transport and the NZTA kicked off consultation they call Transport for Future Urban Growth (TFUG). This is looking at what high level strategic transport networks may be needed over the next 30 years to support over two Hamilton’s worth of population outside the existing urban area – concentrated in three areas, North (including Warkworth), Northwest and South.…