Dec-17 Ridership

The December ridership numbers from Auckland Transport are out and there is one particularly surprising, albeit understandable result. Overall, ridership in December grew by 3.1% which is not the highest it has ever been but growth none the less. One of the key reasons for it being lower is that there was one fewer working day compared to December 2016.…

Another Auckland Anniversary PT fail?

It’s Anniversary weekend and once again it seems like, despite the huge number of events going on little effort is being made to provide quality public transport options for those travelling around Auckland and going to these events. Buses are only operating to normal timetables, which means low frequencies on many routes and an earlier than normal end to services.…

A love letter to the Kings Arms

Like many people in Auckland’s musical community, I was saddened to hear the Kings Arms being announced as a Special Housing Area in April 2016. It was inevitable the site would be developed for apartments one day – it was too good a location, too underdeveloped as it was, and increasingly struggling with noise issues – but it was still sad for me.…