Weekly Roundup 22-December-2023

It’s Friday again and Christmas is just around the corner. Here’s our final weekly roundup of the year. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday we ran a guest post about the existential threat for NZs rail network – yet again On Tuesday Matt wrote about how we need better enforcement if AT wants to stop “bad parking cards” CRL Cash Grab The Herald wrote about how the YMCA are trying to get $18 million out of the Auckland Council for the CRL passing under their property on the corner of Pitt St and Greys Ave YMCA North Inc wanted $18 million compensation for Auckland Council compulsorily acquiring land under its valuable city site for the $5.5 billion City Rail Link but the council only offered it $262,000.…

Weekly Roundup 15-December-2023

It’s Friday again, here’s some articles that caught our attention this week. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday Matt looked the council’s Long Term Plan discussions and the impact that might have for the government On Thursday Matt covered the latest advice from the Climate Change Commission.…

The climate will (continue to) deliver its own advice

Yesterday the Climate Change Commission released their final advice for the government’s second Emission Reduction Plan which will run from 2026 to 2030. Notably they titled the release: Government policies must add up to achieve climate goals While the Commission’s analysis shows the country has made progress, it is not on track to meet its climate goals for the end of this decade.…

Transport Agencies don’t want Harbour Tunnels

It seems even our transport agencies don’t want Labour’s harbour crossing plans. In August the previous government and Waka Kotahi announced their absurd preferred option the new harbour crossing that at the time was estimated to cost $35-45 billion. It included both road tunnels and a wiggly light rail tunnel extending from Wynyard Quarter all the way to Albany.…