How Can The Council Facilitate Transformation?
It won’t be enough for the council to just say where it would like development for the expected growth of Auckland to take place will be, it will have to actively facilitate growth to take place in the most desirable areas.…
Regional Land Transport Programme out for consultation
Auckland Transport’s first Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) has been released for consultation (not to be confused with Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan) – with submissions due by 4pm on Friday 23 March 2012. You can read the draft RLTP as a PDF document here.…
Flat Bush’s town centre advances (but in the wrong place?)
For a long time Flat Bush has been a rather strange part of Auckland: a pretty massive residential area without any town centre at its heart. You can see the weirdness of the situation by looking at an aerial photo of the area:
Seemingly random areas have been completed, other parts are surprisingly empty, the whole area just seems extremely strange when you’re out there.…
AT Prepares for March Madness
A few weeks ago I asked if we were ready for ‘March Madness‘ and there was some good news today with AT announcing it has put on extra buses to cope with March which is a nice change from previous years where extra capacity always seems to have been added too late.…
Council’s Numbers Don’t Add Up
I have been reading through the council’s draft Long Term Plan which looks at what will be done by the council over the next 10 years and how they fund it. I will do a post on the details of some of the spending related to transport in the next few days but as I was reading through it I decided to check a few numbers and I could quickly see that some things just didn’t add up so first I want to address some of these weird transport numbers in the document.…
What does ‘Transformational’ actually mean?
The word ‘Transformational’ is turning up frequently around discussions about Auckland’s future. I am encouraged by this as it surely means change. More than that doesn’t it particularly mean making bold decisions precisely designed to lead to different outcomes than we have now?…
Council chooses sprawl
An article in Wednesday’s NZ Herald confirms the worst-held fears of many: that Auckland Council is shifting away from mostly focusing on growing the city over the next 30 years through intensification to putting a larger number of people on the urban edge.…
AMETI Starts
Auckland’s second most important project officially kicked off today by Len Brown. AMETI which is a range of road and PT projects is to help improve transport in East Auckland which is probably the worst urban area in the whole region when it comes to transport options.…
Solid January patronage stats
Auckland Transport have released the public transport patronage statistics for January, and they’re pretty nicely solid for what’s usually a pretty quiet month. Here are the highlights: The statistics are fairly impressive because quite a lot of the rail network was closed for a fairly significant chunk of January (although this happened last year too).…
AT Finally starts Marketing the CRL
One of the frustrating things with the City Rail link has been that the council and Auckland Transport have done almost nothing to really get information about the project and its benefits to the public so it isn’t surprising that often misunderstood.…
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