Sunday reading 31 July 2016
Welcome back to Sunday reading. This week is the week that the Independent Hearings Panel released its recommendations on the Auckland Unitary Plan, so we’re going to lead off with a few reactions.
First, Hayden Donnell at the Spinoff had a useful summary of the IHP’s decisions.…
Guest post: When Nimbyism rules angels become homeless
This is a cross-post of an article written by Transportblog reader and passionate Cantabrian Brendon Harre. Brendon takes a look at New Zealand’s attitudes around housing development:
The inspiration for the title of this paper comes from an economist –Eric Crampton writing about Auckland’s housing crisis.…
Slicing the housing cake: Developer profits versus capital gains
Who benefits from enabling housing development? And who bears the costs of restricting it?
One common refrain is that reducing regulations to enable housing will deliver higher profits to developers, while disadvantaging existing homeowners, who must contend with more people living in the neighbourhood. …
Guest Post: March Madness Marches On
This is a guest post from reader Stephen Davis and was originally posted here.
Regular readers of TransportBlog will be familiar with March Madness. With workers, students and kids all trying to use public transport simultaneously, it’s the busiest month of the year.…
Unitary Plan Recommendations Revealed
Yesterday the council released the recommendations from the Independent Hearing Panel (IHP) for the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) and as expected when there are over 1000 pages of recommendations there’s a lot to talk about, way too much for one post. …
Britomart’s new entrance now underway
If you’ve been though Britomart in recent days, you’ll have noticed the rear entrance has been closed off. This is related to the works on the CRL kicking up a gear as AT build a new entrance to the station while the CPO is closed for strengthening so tunnels can be built under it, something we talked about a few weeks ago.…
Unitary Plan: what to look out for
So today’s the big day that the independent hearings panel’s recommendations on the Unitary Plan get unveiled. It’s not exaggerating to say that this is a hugely important document as the rules and controls included in the plan determine what is allowed to be built and where.…
July AT Board Meeting
Auckland Transport’s latest board meeting is board meeting is on as this post is published and here are the things I found interesting.
Closed Session
The closed session normally contains what appears to be the most interesting items at the meeting.…
June-2016 Patronage
When it comes to public transport patronage, June is always important as it represents the end of the financial year and so also gives up the official annual results for the year. The June results are now available and the result was fairly similar to what we’ve been seeing for a few months now, continued strong growth on the rail network, decent growth on the ferries but with bus numbers relatively stagnant, even after some fairly great growth on the busway services.…
Additional Harbour Crossing – Is NZTA Following The Law?
Back in May in this post, Matt highlighted the NZTA’s strategy of designating only for road tunnels across the Waitemata Harbour, leaving any rail designation up to Auckland Transport. The NZTA have a total budget of $27m for the designation work, $14m million of which is an additional appropriation, approved under the delegated authority of the Chief Executive, to cover enlarged works at Esmonde Road and Victoria Park. …
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