Photo of the day – Queens Wharf
One of my big concerns about Queens Wharf being a cruise ship terminal is that we often hand over lots of public space for “the privilege” of cruise ships stopping in the city. I don’t know what it was like earlier in the day when the ship arrived but I was pleased to see the wharf almost completely open to the public when this ship was in town the other day (there’s another one in today) I also see the end of the wharf is getting more popular.…
Electric vehicles (part 2)
In part 1 of this series, I introduced the two main types of electric vehicles: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Today, I want to talk about their energy efficiency.
Electric motors – such as those used in a PHEV or BEV – are around three times more efficient than internal combustion engines.…
Len Brown on cycling
When all you do for transport is drive (or get driven around) it can be hard to appreciate the value that others place on good quality walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure. It doesn’t tend to go the other way that much though as most people walking, cycling or catching PT are also drivers or have been driven around at some point too.…
Waterview Tunnel Photos
Reader and photographer Jeff Smith has been working with the Well Connected Alliance – the consortium building the Waterview Tunnels to document the project. He has just released these photos and more of some of the progress to date. The tunnel is now about 150m in length Spoil being loaded onto the conveyor.…
Warehouse’s plans for Balmoral
Interesting news about the Warehouse’s future plans for their site in Balmoral
Say goodbye to the big red box on Balmoral Rd.
A cafe and apartments are included in The Warehouse’s plans for a major redevelopment on the site.
A two-building, 7130 square metre complex including The Warehouse, 34 apartments, and 234 car parking spaces will be built if the retail giant’s property company, Eldamos Investments, is granted resource consent by Auckland Council.…
What we can learn from LA
Len Brown has said that this year we’re going to be seeing the council start a conversation about how to raise money to cover the estimated $12-15 billion funding shortfall that has resulted from their wish list of projects that will still most transport metrics get worse.…
Govt makes the right decision on cycling
It’s good to see the government making the right call on a transport issue. From the Dominion Post:
The Government has rejected a coroner’s recommendations designed to save cyclists’ lives.
Documents obtained under the Official Information Act show Associate Transport Minister Michael Woodhouse ruled out pursuing the suggestions of Wellington coroner Ian Smith when he called for an overhaul of cycle safety last February.…
Can construction profiles help communities understand the impact of new buildings?
During the unitary plan debate last year I felt there was a lot of unjustified scaremongering about the height and bulk of buildings that the plan allowed for. Even if the Unitary Plan is passed I suspect we will still hear howls of protest from some people who over estimate just how much impact proposed developments greater than a single storey might make.…
The revival and future of rapid transit in Los Angeles – Part 2
This guest post is the second in a two part series from Darren Davis who is a Principal Transport Planner for Auckland Transport looking at the revival and future of rapid transit in Los Angeles. The first part which looks at the revival is here.…
Photo of the Day – The Walking School Bus
With some schools back today, perhaps we need some more of these. Photo is credited to…
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