Weekly Roundup 30-07-21
Kia ora, it’s the end of July and here’s our weekly roundup. Central Interceptor Progress
Today, a ceremony will launch the new Tunnel Boring Machine for the Central Interceptor. Watercare’s website shows:
On Friday 30 July, our 190-metre Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Hiwa-i-te-Rangi will be launched at our Māngere site and head north digging a supersized wastewater tunnel that will help prevent wet weather overflows and clean up central Auckland beaches.…
July-21 AT Board Meeting
Today the Auckland Transport board meet again and it’s been while since we covered one. Here are the things that caught my attention from the agendas and papers.
Closed Session
The closed session is where most of the interesting stuff goes, though not entirely this month, and there were a number of items up for approval and noting this meeting that stood out.…
Northwest Bus Improvements Start
Auckland has had plenty of mistakes and missed opportunities in its transport history and one of the biggest is also one of the most recent, the failure by Waka Kotahi to build a busway on SH16 at the same time as we were expanding it as part of the Western Ring Route works.…
What Auckland can teach the world about post-covid ridership
This is a guest post by Nick Lovett a long-time reader of the blog and former Auckland/Christchurch expat who moved to Vancouver in July 2020.
Auckland’s public transit system has captured the gaze of many cities in Europe and North America.…
Puhinui Reopens
On Saturday the new $69 million Puhinui Station was opened by Transport Minister Michael Wood and Mayor Phil Goff. The official opening was followed by a public open day which saw a large number of people turning up to take a look at the station.…
Weekly Roundup – 23-July-21
Kia ora, here’s our weekly roundup for the week ending 23rd of July. Puhinui Opening and bus changes
Tomorrow the awesome new Puhinui station is being shown off to the public with an open day from 11am to 3pm. This part of the rail network is closed over the weekend however and so the first passenger services will start using the station from Monday 26 July.…
Safety on Ash St & Rata St – but not for bikes
Last year Auckland Transport consulted on safety along Ash St and Rata St, a critical link from the west for public transport, freight, and cycling, as well as a busy local connection and a north-south severance through Avondale.
Matt wrote at the time about this “pre-consultation consultation” – in particular, asking why it was phrased as such an open question, given safety issues and safety treatments are so well understood.…
Is there a case for an overnight sleeper train between Auckland and Wellington?
This guest post was first published by Nicolas Reid on his Linked In page.
There has been a bit of discussion recently about the potential for a night train between Auckland and Wellington, so I thought I would look into what a North Island sleeper service might involve and whether it could be a good idea.…
Green Tracking of Light Rail in Auckland
Green tracking in Rotterdam, Holland
This is a guest post from Ed Clayton
While this post concerns how to develop a transport network that improves water quality, to do this first we need to look at the upcoming water reforms and why reliance on cars and e-vehicles is incompatible with ensuring clean freshwater for future generations.…
Council Slams AT but the Excuses Keep Coming
East St cycleway. “AT can move fast when other priorities are involved” – Councillors
Last week, some correspondence about Auckland Transport’s performance was made public in the agenda of the upcoming Waitematā Local Board meeting.
Councillor Coom’s Report to the Waitematā Local Board, July 2021 included an appendix titled,
Correspondence with Auckland Transport regarding the delivery of “Healthy Streets” and the cycling programme
The first piece of correspondence is from the Mayor to the Chair of the Board of Auckland Transport.…
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