Weekly Roundup – 31-Jan-20
As we reach the end of the month and with some kids back at school this week, trains, buses and cycleways have been feeling even busier than normal – and that’s only going to increase next week with more schools back and then in a few more weeks the universities starting.…
The NZ Upgrade transport package
Yesterday the government announced what would be funded as part of their massive $12b infrastructure spend up, that they’ve called “The New Zealand Upgrade Programme“.
As previously indicated, the package includes $6.8 billion on a variety of transport projects and we now know what those are – I managed to correctly pick many of them in my post yesterday.…
What we may see in the infrastructure announcement today
Today the government are announcing what projects they’re going to spend their $12 billion infrastructure fund on. They’ve already said that as part of that they’ll spend “$6.8 billion on new transport projects, with a significant portion for roads and rail“.…
City Centre works disruption
An article in the Herald on the weekend had MP Nikki Kaye complaining about the amount of works in the city centre.
National’s Nikki Kaye yesterday instigated a crisis briefing with Auckland Transport to explain the planning logic behind the “perfect storm” of road work reducing the city centre to a standstill.…
Weekly Roundup – 24-Jan-20
Here’s our weekly collection of smaller pieces.
Otahuhu station works
Over the Christmas/New Year period works were undertaken to enable the third platform at Otahuhu, which is being done as part of the City Rail Link. A timelapse of the works is below.…
Light Rail Update for January
As regular readers will know, we’ve been concerned about the process currently underway to decide on who builds light rail as the whole project has been delayed by years thanks to the mess caused by the NZ Super Fund and their Canadian partners.…
Communicating bus diversions
While Auckland’s bus network has radically improved over the past few years, many of the bits that go with it – things like wayfinding, announcements, reliability, shelter and transfer quality – have not changed much or have only had slight enhancements.…
Reinventing Auckland using Lessons from Ghent
A few weeks ago, Streetfilms released an eye-catching video about the small Belgian city of Ghent, and the dramatic changes they made to traffic circulation in 2017. This video should be professional development watching for everyone involved in Auckland’s transport planning.…
Auckland Transport’s weird obsession with subsidising Devonport taxis
This is an important year for Auckland Transport. It needs to catch up on delivering projects funded by the Regional Fuel Tax, where progress has been slower than forecast. It also needs to do much of the grunt work to inform the next cycle of transport budgets that will take effect from the middle of next year, implement important but often controversial changes to streetspace allocation, implement critical safety improvements and speed limit reductions, get back on track when it comes to delivering cycleways, increase public transport use at a time when there are no big projects or changes being delivered to ride the coattails of, and – all while being subject to a CCO review that should ask fundamental questions about the roles and functions of a transport CCO and how to improve its public accountability.…
Flashback Saturday – Australasian patronage trends
Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post was originally published in December 2011.
This blog post has some excellent comparisons of public transport patronage across New Zealand and Australian cities. While all the cities looked at are of vastly different sizes (and therefore have vastly different patronage numbers), through comparing growth rates and per capita patronage, we can really have quite a good look at how Auckland stacks up against these other places.…
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