Strong support for the Inner West Street Improvements Projects
We’re concerned to see a suggestions in the media that three long-planned and much-consulted corridor improvement projects could be iced for no apparent reason other than that they also improve conditions for cycling.
To our eyes, this feels shortsighted and arbitrary. …
December-22 AT Board Meeting
On Thursday the Auckland Transport board meets for the last time this year, and also the first time since the council new council was sworn in.
It’s unclear if they’ll even have a quorum for the meeting. Chair Adrienne Young-Cooper resigned immediately after the council elections, and Tommy Parker resigned at the start of this month.…
Auckland Derailed – Southern Line mitigation
Last week Auckland Transport confirmed how they’ll attempt to mitigate the first of the rail network shutdowns that begins at Christmas. The first section covers the Southern Line between Newmarket and Otahuhu as well as the Onehunga Line and is expected to last until March next year and will then be followed by the Eastern Line.…
Weekly Roundup 25-November-2022
Kia ora! Is that summer we can see on the horizon? The city is definitely starting to feel festive. The week in Greater Auckland
On Monday, Matt argued that it makes more sense to upgrade Swanson than Henderson in preparation for the post-CRL network.…
Who pays when roads and parking are “free” to use?
This guest post by George Weeks originally appeared on The Spinoff and is reposted with kind permission.
It might seem like a good deal, but toll-free roading results in congestion and free parking leads to frustrated circling. Drivers end up paying with their precious time – and the social cost is huge. …
New Drury Stations Design Consultation
Yesterday Kiwirail announced a new consultation for two of the three stations they’re planning to build between Papakura and Pukekohe. They previously consulted on this at the beginning of last year with just some very high-level information about station footprints and intended facilities.…
Why we should upgrade Swanson, not Henderson for the CRL
Auckland’s rail network is currently in the midst of a massive transformational change and I think people will be blown away the City Rail Link which is the centrepiece of that change.
That change doesn’t come cheap with the CRL currently slated to cost $4.4 billion.…
Weekly Roundup 18-November-2022
Ata mārie. There’s a stormy looking weekend ahead in Tāmaki but don’t worry, Weekly Roundup has plenty to keep you entertained.
Cover image via Twitter. The week in Greater Auckland
Monday’s post discussed the Government’s just-released consultation about options for a new Waitematā harbour crossing.…
Auckland, Derailed – The Documents
Last month Kiwirail and Auckland Transport surprised us by announcing nearly 3 years of rail closures starting at Christmas in order to fix the foundations that sit under the tracks. Yesterday Kiwirail released a bunch of reports and ministerial briefings from over the last 3 years covering the issue.…
Resource management reform moves to next phase
Yesterday the government announced a major milestone in the very lengthy process to modernise New Zealand’s resource management system, with both the Spatial Planning Bill and the Natural and Built Environments Bill being introduced to parliament. A lot of Environment Minister David Parker’s press release focused on the cost and time savings that are hoped for as part of the reform, but there were also some interesting parts of what he said around the more fundamental shift in the new legislation – away from an ‘effects based’ system and more to an ‘outcomes based system’.…
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