Was the 2024 Auckland RLTP Competition Rigged?
A note to readers
This satirical post is based on this document. Received from Auckland Transport under a LGOIMA request. the document reveals the ranking process used by the working group for the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP).
It shows how the RLTP working group (Auckland Transport, KiwiRail, NZTA/Waka Kotahi, and Auckland Council) determined the regional priority of proposed transport projects for the Draft RLTP 2024, which will guide investment for the coming decade.…
Some fine ideas for making Aotearoa safer
This is a guest post by Darren Davis, reposted with his kind permission. It originally appeared on his excellent blog Adventures in Transitland, which we warmly encourage you to check out. Aotearoa has one of the worst road safety records in the developed world.…
June-24 AT Board Meeting
Today the Auckland Transport board meets again,so I’ve taken a look through the items on their public agenda to see what’s interesting.
Musical Chairs
The first item of note is another change to the make-up of the AT Board. The legislation that established Auckland Transport allows for Waka Kotahi to have a non-voting director on the board.…
Greater Auckland 2.0 – we need your help!
Hi, we’re Greater Auckland. We’ve been a part of the landscape for over 15 years now. Over that time, we’ve provided informed commentary, evidence-based analysis, and inspiring visions for the future of Tāmaki Makaurau.
You might know us from such hits as: The Congestion-Free Network 2013 (and its 2017 sequel) – a proposition so compelling that both Auckland Transport and Auckland Council have adopted the phrase.…
Weekly Roundup 21-June-2024
Tis the winter solstice! The shortest day and longest night of the year. The good news: we’re on our way back to summertime. Here’s another roundup of stories to brighten up your Friday.
Our header image is from CRL and shows Waihorotiu Station lit up for Matariki 2024. …
The Stadium Debate – What About the Transport Options?
A few weeks ago, Auckland Council took another step in the long-running stadium saga, narrowing its shortlist down to two options for which they will now seek feasibility studies. The recommendation to move forward with a feasibility study was carried twenty to one by the council’s Governing Body for the Eden Park 2.1 (Eden Park Trust) and Te Tōangaroa/Quay Park (Te Tōangaroa Consortium) options to be assessed against the status quo.…
How good is the interim NW busway?
This is a guest post by Pshem Kowalczyk, a long-time follower of the blog. With great fanfare, just over six months ago (on 12 November 2023), AT launched its interim busway for the NorthWest region, with the new WX express service at the heart of the changes.…
Raised crossings: hearing the voice of vulnerable pedestrians
This is a guest post by Vivian Naylor, who is the Barrier Free Advisor and Educator at CCS Disability Action, Northern Region, the largest disability support and advocacy organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand. She also advises on AT’s Public Transport and Capital Projects Accessibility Groups.…
You do have the power to change things
When I was invited to come aboard and help with Greater Auckland a few months ago (thanks to Patrick!), it was suggested it might be a good idea to write some sort of autobiographical post by way of an introduction.
This post isn’t quite that – although I’m sure I’lll get to it eventually.…
Weekly Roundup 14-June-2024
Another week, another roundup of things that caught our eye on our favourite topics of transport, housing and how to make cities a little bit greater. This Week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Connor wrote about Kāinga Ora’s role as an urban development agency
Tuesday’s guest post by Meredith Dale was about the NZ Housing Survey
On Wednesday, we featured a guest post on ways to protect Te Huia, by Darren Davis
And Thursday’s post was a guide to having your say on the RLTP (closing Monday!)…
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