Postcard from Sydney: Southwest and City Metro extension
This is a guest post from Sydney reader Nik Clement After 2 years in Auckland I moved back to Sydney just over a year ago. While in Auckland, I went to the opening of Puhinui station and used it a fair bit, living in Manukau Central and being able to walk to Puhinui station, more often taking the Airport Link to meet up with both Southern Line, Eastern Line or Southern Express Rail buses, during periods of track maintenance, which happened frequently.…
In praise of crosstown buses: refreshing the OuterLink
Waiting for an orange OuterLink bus can feel like the old saying: you wait ages for a bus, and then three come along at once. The solution, which will be implemented as part of Auckland’s newest Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP), is to unknot the loop in order to give the route a reliable beginning and an endpoint.
Auckland’s Frequent Transit Network hits 40 routes
… now we need to tell people about it! This guest post by Pete Moth (Head of PT development, Auckland Transport) originally appeared on LinkedIn, and is republished here with kind permission. Cast your mind back to late 2016.
Auckland has just electrified its rail network, and the 2024 Olympics will shortly be announced as being hosted by Paris.…
Congestion Pricing to move forward
Yesterday, Transport Minister Simeon Brown announced some progress on congestion pricing and it’s a mix of good, bad and ugly.
The Government will introduce legislation this year to enable time of use schemes to be developed to reduce travel times on our busiest roads and boost economic growth, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.…
Three lessons for Auckland from Transport for London
This is a guest post by Charlotte Billing. Charlotte is a strategist and Co-Director of Place Creative, and is currently researching how public consultation and narrative impact decision-making in New Zealand.
The header image is an art collaboration between Andrew Hudson and Transport for London, via the artist’s Instagram.…
Parking up in the RLTP
Last week, the Council endorsed the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) following it being signed off by the Regional Transport Committee – essentially just the Auckland Transport board with a different hat on – this, despite the RLTP not aligning with the Council’s own climate action plan.…
Levelling up the Takaanini LXR project
As I reported about the city centre, Auckland’s rail network is also going through a difficult and disruptive period which is rapidly approaching a culmination, which will result in a significant upgrade to the whole network. Hallelujah.
Also like the city centre, this is an upgrade predicated on the City Rail Link.…
How the Northwest was lost and may be won
This is a guest post by Darren Davis. It originally appeared on his excellent blog, Adventures in Transitland, which we encourage you to check out. It is shared by kind permission. The Northwest has always been Auckland’s public transport Cinderella, rarely invited to the public funding ball.…
KiwiRail at Council’s Transport & Infrastructure Committee
Last week at the Council’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee, Kiwirail gave an update about the state of the network and the work they’re doing to get it ready for the opening of the City Rail Link. There were a few aspects that stood out, so we’ve pulled them together in this post.…
June-24 AT Board Meeting
Today the Auckland Transport board meets again,so I’ve taken a look through the items on their public agenda to see what’s interesting.
Musical Chairs
The first item of note is another change to the make-up of the AT Board. The legislation that established Auckland Transport allows for Waka Kotahi to have a non-voting director on the board.…
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