Flashback Saturday: Funding strategic transport
Every weekend we dig into the archives. Today’s post by Matt was originally published in November 2016.
With the release of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) it once again got me thinking about a funding anomaly in our transport system, the Rapid Transit Network (RTN), or the Proposed Future Strategic Public Transport Network as ATAP calls it.…
A History of Regional and Long-Distance Buses in New Zealand
This is a post by Paul Callister and Heidi O’Callahan. We also appreciate the contribution of key information on recent history of the sector from Greater Auckland reader ‘Kris’ Chris McKellar. While we’ve enjoyed reading widely to compile this information, and take responsibility for any errors, we look forward to learning more in the comments.…
Regional Fuel Tax approaches first anniversary
Next Monday it will be a year since the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax was introduced. This 10 cent per litre charge (plus GST) is critical in supporting delivery of the $28 billion ATAP transport programme. Projects funded by the Regional Fuel Tax are listed in the table below: One important aspect to remember about the Regional Fuel Tax is that even though the charge itself raises about $1.5 billion over the next decade, this extra funding actually supports $4.2 billion of projects because it also unlock more funding from NZTA and from development contributions.…
Detailing Kiwirail’s billion dollar spend up
During the budget last month it was announced $1 billion of investment in Kiwirail over two years.
This includes $375 million for new wagons and locomotives, $331 million to invest in track and other supporting infrastructure and $35 million to begin the process of replacing current ferries that are nearing the end of their lives.…
Keeping old reports available
A few weeks ago I looked at a history of Harbour Crossing options with details of various proposals for new crossings of the Waitemata Harbour from 1988 through till now. Since I published it, the post has had me thinking a bit more about how we preserve public documents and reports and if our agencies are doing enough in this regard.…
Free PT day a success
Yesterday Auckland Transport held their day of free public transport to celebrate reaching 100 million trips within a 12 month period and it appears to have been a great success with services reported to be four times busier than usual and it felt like Aucklanders were out celebrating Auckland.…
100 million trips, how does it compare?
Earlier this month Auckland hit a major milestone, passing 100 million trips within a 12 month period, bringing us back to the number of trips we had in 1950, a time when the population was just 350k people. Still, it’s an impressive milestone, especially when you consider that it just a decade ago there were fewer than 60 million trips.…
Victoria St Linear Park moves a step closer
Auckland’s City Centre Masterplan of 2012 was a visionary plan to help reshape the city into a more people friendly area. Many of the things it proposed have been or are in the process of being delivered. One of the more exciting proposals in it was creating a green link between the Domain and Wynyard Quarter, connecting Albert and Victoria Parks along the way.…
Top Table, Full Purse
This is a hopeful post; change could be on its way.
Auckland Transport has long known that many more Aucklanders would go by bike if they felt safer and didn’t have the stress of driving with fast, heavy traffic. Many cities across the globe have also come to this realisation.…
Rail Delays Expected
Train users are likely to have been feeling frustrated over the last week or two with what have become nearly daily delays and cancellations. As a Western line user, this has been made more frustrating because unlike the Southern and Eastern lines, for which AT have at least put out some comms, there have been none for the Western, despite services often being delayed or cancelled as part of the disruption.…
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