Time to embrace the PT Pass

Auckland has made some big and important strides to improve public transport in recent years, and big changes like electrification, the new bus network, City Rail Link and light rail have or will help to improve PT. While lots of good things are happening, there’s still a lot more to be done.…

Fixing the CRLs two biggest flaws

The City Rail Link will be a truly transformational project for Auckland. One that I believe will change not only how many Aucklanders get around but also how many see their city. It represents Auckland finally growing up and delivering the kind of transport infrastructure expected in a modern city.…

Flashback Saturday: Downtown – Little Queen Street

Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Patrick was originally published in June 2014. This is a quick post on the Downtown site. Precinct Properties, the owner of the Mall and the two existing towers [Zurich Hse + HSBC Building] between Lower Queen St and Lower Albert St, are expected to lodge a resource consent in a couple of months for a total rebuild of this site.…

How much faster will train timetables be?

For drivers, school holidays must seem almost magical with traffic seemingly vanishing for a few weeks. Commutes that might normally take an hour in mind-numbing congestion can, for a few weeks, be achieved in less than half that time. On the motorway, the speedo might even reach 80km/h or more even during the traditional peak hours.…

Auckland Land Values

One of the neat features of the Council’s GIS viewer is the ability to put on an overlay showing the land values per m² for the Auckland Region. Council valuations are conducted every three years and the 2017 data is now able to be viewed – see the end of the post for instructions if you want to have a look yourself but aren’t sure how to do so.…