Tolling Existing Roads

One of the government’s transport policy and agreements with it’s coalition partners made it clear that they were looking at options like tolling and road pricing. This was reinforced in it’s draft Government Policy Statement released at the start of March which made a couple of references to it.…

Western Express Success

In our Weekly Roundup last week we covered news from Auckland Transport that the WX1 Western Express is going to get an upgrade next year with double decker electric buses. As part of the announcement, AT also said “Since we introduced the WX1 Western Express last November we have seen fantastic growth on this frequent bus route which connects Westgate with the city centre, carrying more than 275,000 passengers so far.…

Weekly Roundup 19-April-2024

It’s Friday again. Here’s some of the things that caught our attention this week. This Week on Greater Auckland On Tuesday Matt covered at the government looking into a long tunnel for Wellington. On Wednesday we ran a post from Oscar Sims on some lessons from Texas.…

Long Tunnel or Long Con?

Yesterday it was revealed that Transport Minister had asked Waka Kotahi to look at the options for a long tunnel through Wellington. State Highway 1 (SH1) through Wellington City is heavily congested at peak times and while planning continues on the duplicate Mt Victoria Tunnel and Basin Reserve project, the Government has also asked NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) to consider and provide advice on a Long Tunnel option, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.…

Subsidising illegal parking

Hopefully finally over his obsession with raised crossings, the Herald’s Bernard Orsman has found something to actually be outraged at. Auckland ratepayers are subsidising the cost of towing, storing and releasing cars across the city to the tune of $15 million over five years.…

What’s happening with Airport to Botany

One of the few public transport projects the current government have said they support is the Airport to Botany project (A2B) and it’s one we haven’t covered in a while so worth looking at where things are at. A business case for the project was completed in 2021 before being confirmed by the boards of both Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport and like the Eastern busway it will connect to, includes some big roading components too.…

The Maddest March since COVID

March is now over and so too is March Madness – though public transport will likely stay busy at least until school holidays in a few weeks. So how did PT perform in March …. pretty well it turned out. Just prior to March I wrote about how average weekday trips exceeded 330k for the first time since the pandemic, reaching 91% of pre-pandemic levels for the same time period.…

Paying for the RoNS like Rail

Note: Consultation on the GPS closes at noon on Tuesday 2 April See our previous post on feedback guides and check out the Transport4All guide here. The Government’s Draft Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport contains many ideological burbs and inconsistencies.…

Rod Oram: a legacy to live up to

Yesterday we had the very sad news that business and climate journalist Rod Oram had died after having a heart attack while cycling through Ambury Park on Sunday. Rod was one of the absolute best at being able to communicate the connections and paths between how we live and how we could live – most especially and urgently in recent years, on the need for climate action and the abundant opportunities to achieve it in realistic and rewarding ways.…