The Maddest March since COVID

March is now over and so too is March Madness – though public transport will likely stay busy at least until school holidays in a few weeks. So how did PT perform in March …. pretty well it turned out. Just prior to March I wrote about how average weekday trips exceeded 330k for the first time since the pandemic, reaching 91% of pre-pandemic levels for the same time period.…

Paying for the RoNS like Rail

Note: Consultation on the GPS closes at noon on Tuesday 2 April See our previous post on feedback guides and check out the Transport4All guide here. The Government’s Draft Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport contains many ideological burbs and inconsistencies.…

New Life for Light Rail

This is a guest post by Connor Sharp of Surface Light Rail  Light rail in Auckland: A way forward sooner than you think With the coup de grâce of Auckland Light Rail (ALR) earlier this year, and the shift of the government’s priorities to roads, roads, and more roads, it would be safe to assume light rail in Auckland is dead and buried for the next decade.…

AT Need To Lift Their Game

Normally when we talk about accessing public transport it’s about improving how easy it is to get to, such as how easy is it to cross roads in a station/stop’s walking catchment, is it possible to cycle to safely, do bus connections work, or even whether are there new routes/connections that could be made to fix the gaps left by how our streets were designed.…

Better Event Trains

Sometimes it might not feel like it, but our public transport system is significantly better than what it was 10 to 15 years ago. However one area where Auckland Transport continue to really struggle is with events and the most recent weekend was no exception with complaints about trains from the Pink concert.…