ATs Parking Strategy Review Strategic Direction

Managing parking is one of the most important tools councils have in addressing many of our urban transport issues. The presence of easy, free or too cheap parking encourages people to drive which can contribute to increased congestion and emissions. Meanwhile on-street parking also takes up valuable space that can better be used to provide safer or faster alternatives such as bike or bus lanes – or as the pandemic has highlighted the need for, more public space or areas that hospitality businesses can use to spread out.…

Weekly Roundup 05-November-2021

It’s been two weeks since our last weekly roundup as we thought it was important to cover the release of the light rail information last week. Here’s our roundup of interesting thoughts, newsy items and good reads for the week. In case you missed it – the last two weeks in Greater Auckland Here’s some of the posts you may have missed since the last roundup.…

Liveable Arterials

Imagine we stop driving cars so much. Imagine having traffic levels like those in Level 4 Lockdown, when only essential journeys were taken by car – as a normal traffic environment. Put on ice for a moment any doubts about whether we could or should do this… and let me paint a picture of our streets if we managed to do so.…

Light rail veers off course

The government has released the recommendations from the Auckland Light Rail team (ALR), ahead of this being considered by Cabinet later this year. This appears to be a case of trying to gauge public reaction so they don’t end up with a repeat of the Northern Pathway – and that’s understandable given the cost of the options now range from $9 billion to $16.3 billion.…

The Shift to Secrecy is Damaging Transport Outcomes

We understand the government may soon be making an announcement about the next steps for light rail. We have no idea what they plan to announce but given where things are in the process, it will likely either be: the recommendations from the light rail process that will be taken cabinet that it has already been to cabinet and a decision has been made I hope it’s the former so that the public can start to get an idea of what has been going on with the project before the government commit to anything.…