Turning over a new leaf

It is significant. It is a significant day for our city. It’s a significant decision. It gives us the strategy and policy and direction that we’ve been asking for. – Richard Hills, Chair of the Auckland Council Environment and Climate Change Committee On Thursday last week, Auckland Council adopted the Transport Emissions Reductions Pathway (TERP).…

Penlink To Start

Waka Kotahi recently announced the construction partners for building Ō Mahurangi Penlink, a massive new $830 million, 7 km road through farmland and coastal environment to the Whangaparāoa Peninsula. This comes after the government gave their final approval to the project at the start of the month.…

A New Commissioner for Active Travel

Waka Kotahi’s leadership have been defending the need for investment in cycling. Good on them. At the Waka Kotahi Annual Review, MPs asked about the high per km cost that Auckland Transport uses for cycling infrastructure. In reply, General Manager Transport Services, Brett Gliddon, gave an excellent explanation of the difference in cost between reallocation of road space and building new infrastructure: cycleways are delivered in two key strategic ways.…