To reduce road fatalities, lower speeds have to be part of the solution
This is a guest post from Glen Koorey. He is a senior traffic engineer and transportation planner with ViaStrada Ltd in Christchurch. He specialises in road safety and sustainable transport, with a particular focus on speed management.
Last September, I was holidaying in Victoria, Australia, driving around the Great Ocean Road.…
PT fare changes for 2018
Auckland Transport have announced the outcome of their annual review of public transport fares with the changes coming in to effect from Sunday 11 February. AT are clearly into recycling as one thing I noticed is that the fares being changed, the amounts they’re being changed by and even the press release are all almost identical to the 2017 changes.…
Paint the tanks
Every now and then you see a relatively cheap and simple idea and think “why has this not been done already”. That was the case on Friday when, in response to the release of designs for the America’s Cup bases, Hamish Kieth suggested we need to paint the rest of the tanks at Wynyard as a backdrop.…
Auckland’s rail patronage: Past, present, and (uncertain) future.
As we start a new year, I thought it was a good time to review the past, present, and future of rail patronage in Auckland. Before diving into the data, I want to relay two relevant personal anecdotes.
First, my interest in Auckland’s rail patronage began in the early 2000s, when — as a mildly bored and nerdy young person growing up in rural south Auckland — I would download and analyse the latest monthly rail patronage statistics.…
Sunday reading 21 January 2018
Welcome back to Sunday Reading.
Housing is on my Sunday Reading agenda for 2018. Here’s an epic article covering a new bill filed in California by State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco. Wiener proposes a blanket upzoning of transit-adjacent properties across the state.…
Build Light Rail right – Close the centres to cars
Auckland Transport’s plans to build light rail on the isthmus and to the airport will be one of the most significant and transformational public transport investments in the coming years. There has been plenty of positive talk and images released by AT but the real challenge is going to be in how well they’re able to implement the project.…
Getting Gates
On Tuesday, Auckland Transport announced that ticket gates have gone live at Manurewa. That makes it the seventh station that have now has gates operating. It follows Britomart, Newmarket, Manukau, New Lynn, Henderson and Ōtāhuhu. Manurewa is also unique because it’s the first station gated that has side platforms without some sort of concourse area.…
Defining the “average” Aucklander.
In this post, I want to talk (somewhat informally) about how we define the “average Aucklander”, before relating this discussion to the people who contribute material for the Blog. I finish with a plea for help.
I’ve been pondering these issues for sometime, due to Peter’s excellent post about submissions on Auckland’s Unitary Plan as well as Emma’s compelling call for greater involvement from women in urbanism.…
City Motorway Ramps
The other day I wrote about the need to fix the Symonds St on-ramp. In the post I included a graph looking at average daily traffic volumes on it over the last 15 years. While pulling the data together for the graph I thought it would be useful to compare it to other city centre ramps.…
Zoning politics for the many, not the few
This is a guest post from reader Brendon Harré. It was originally posted on his Medium blog.
Part one: The background picture
Housing exists in a framework of rules and infrastructure provision. Increasingly around the world this framework is being challenged, as the perception has developed that urban development frameworks are only benefiting the few and are detrimental to both the poor and the middle class.…
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