Sunday reading 9 September 2018
Welcome back to Sunday Reading. Sunday Reading is now entirely unreliable. I couldn’t resist compiling these exceptional stories documenting how quickly and profoundly cities are changing. Please leave your links in the comments section.
First off, shared electric scooters are the latest transport technology to appear in our cities from out of nowhere. …
Sunday reading 10 June 2018
Welcome back to Sunday reading. Sorry it’s been a little on and off lately. Here are the interesting things I’ve collected over the last couple of weeks. Please leave your links in the comments section.
There have been a lot of thoughtful tributes to Anthony Bourdain who sadly passed yesterday.…
Sunday reading 13 May 2018
Welcome back to Sunday Reading. Here are the best things from the interwebs this week. Please add your links in the comments below.
Christopher Standen’s PHD on transport evaluation methods and their limitations has been floating around places for the last few months.…
Sunday reading 29 April 2018
Welcome back to Sunday Reading. These posts are now irregular, but hopefully still interesting. I’ll start off here with a bit of disappointing news from California where State Representative Scott Wiener’s housing bill was killed.
Benjamin Schneider, “YIMBYs Defeated as California’s Transit Density Bill Stalls“, CityLab.…
Sunday reading 25 March 2018
Welcome back to Sunday Reading. Here are a bunch of articles I’ve been collecting over the last month. I’ll start off here with housing, or more specifically zoning. Recently published research reveals the outrageous costs that zoning adds to housing in Australia.…
Watch: Why Isn’t Cycling Normal in London?
Here’s a funny and informative video about why cycling mostly sucks in English speaking countries. It is based on the London experience but it has commonalities with other countries/cities: start with separated cycleways in the early 20th century -> vehicular cycling -> planning for cars -> crappy infrastructure era, and finally -> proper separated infrastructure.…
Greater Auckland Film Night Fundraiser: Why We Cycle
We are pleased to announce this year’s Greater Auckland Film Night on 7 March at Capitol Cinema screening Why We Cycle. We have heard great things about this movie from our Dutch correspondents. You can see the trailer here. You can grab your tickets here. …
Sunday reading 21 January 2018
Welcome back to Sunday Reading.
Housing is on my Sunday Reading agenda for 2018. Here’s an epic article covering a new bill filed in California by State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco. Wiener proposes a blanket upzoning of transit-adjacent properties across the state.…
Sunday reading 31 December 2017
Welcome back to the last Sunday Reading of the year. In case you missed it, Matt wrapped up the 2017 year with great posts: Part 1 Transit, Part 2 Walking and Cycling, and Part 3 Roads.
Here is a newly organised catalog of London’s unbuilt motorway “Ringways” proposed in the 1970’s.…
Fixing Shortland Street
Fixing Shortland Street is something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. The issue came up again when my daughter came to visit me at work nearby. She can confidently get around the city by bus and cross awful streets like Dominion Road at Balmoral, but after lunch on Fort Street I asked her not to use the Jean Batten/High Street crossing, but instead go via Queen Street.…
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