Fix Our City

This is a guest post from Leroy Beckett of Generation Zero Every three years Auckland Council consult on their plan for the next 10 years. It covers everything from the transport budget to targeted rates and goals for our environment. That consultation is currently underway.…

Draft Auckland Plan – needs a lot of work

Yesterday the Council’s Planning Committee approved a draft version of the Auckland Plan. This will be consulted on next year – at the same time as the Long Term Plan, the Council’s 10 year budget. A little press release after the meeting confirmed the important step: Councillor Chris Darby, Planning Committee chair, says the Auckland Plan is an enormous task that sets out a grand vision for the next 30 years that is dynamic, exciting and almost changing by the day.…

The future cost of Auckland’s sprawl

Auckland needs to be able to accommodate up to 1 million more people over the next 30 years, that’s a lot of growth and means the city needs around 400,000 more dwellings. The Auckland Plan set the high level strategy of having up to 70% of that growth occur within the existing urban area while up to 40% would be outside that.…