Transforming Onehunga

In March the Council’s Planning Committee approved Panuku’s “High Level Project Plan” for Onehunga. This plan will guide the long-term strategy, vision and goals for Panuku’s work in transforming Onehunga into a major growth centre for Auckland. Onehunga is one of the areas Council directed Panuku to have a particularly strong focus on, alongside continuing the development of Wynyard Quarter and also transforming Manukau.…

Onehunga ceded to the NZTA

We’ve long been concerned about the East-West Link, from the when it was suddenly catapulted out of nowhere from not even being on long term plans straight to being one of the city’s top transport priorities, to effectively becoming one of the governments Roads of National Significance.…

Onehunga Foreshore Changes

Work on restoring the Onehunga Foreshore has been going on since December 2012 and is nearing completion with the area expected to be open in November. When complete there will be 6.8ha of new parkland a pedestrian and cycle bridge over SH20 linking the new foreshore to Onehunga Bay Reserve sandy and gravel/shell beaches a boat ramp pedestrian and cycle paths park facilities such as a toilet block, park furniture and carpark.…

Onehunga buses improved

The focus for improvements to public transport around Onehunga in recent years has been in the form of trains with services reinstated to the town centre back in 2010 after being stopped 37 years previously. The station has since been wired up and is now ready and waiting for our new electric trains to arrive.…

Onehunga is now ready for Electric Trains

A few years ago there was a lot of noise an complaining about Onehunga. At first it was because almost a year after it had originally promised to be operating, the station hadn’t even been started. Then once it was built the issue was that the platforms were built at only 55m long, too short for our future electric trains which we already knew would be around 70m long.  …