A different approach to bus routes

A few days back the Human Transit blog superbly outlined the basics of designing bus routes – using Halifax in Nova Scotia as the example. There are some excellent “basics” outlined in that post: the need to identify choke points, the need to have good “anchors” at each end of your route, the benefits of bouncing routes off at right-angles once you reach the edge of a grid system and so forth.…

Rail feeder buses

One of the main differences between the calculated benefits of the Ministry of Transport’s review of the City Rail Link project and the revised analysis undertaken by Auckland Council and Auckland Transport of the project depends on the extent to which many of the current “long-haul” bus services are turned into rail feeder buses.…

Onehunga Line reopens

I was pretty gutted to miss it, but on Saturday the Onehunga Line reopened to passenger trains for the first time in 37 years. Jon C at Aucklandtrains has extensive coverage, including photos, of the opening. It seems like the opening event went incredibly well, with a huge crowd turnout.…

New train timetables

A series of new train timetables have been released, and will take effect from Sunday September 19th – the day the Onehunga Line starts running. The timetables are here: Southern Line Eastern Line Western Line Onehunga Line (yay – it actually exists!)…

Onehunga Station – photos

I managed to head out to Onehunga today and take some photos of the train station, which has now been largely completed. The site was a bit of a “mud-fest” as there has been so much rain in the last few days, but there has certainly been massive progress since I was last there.…

Onehunga Station stuff-up

At times I do wonder why it’s so damn difficult to get public transport projects in Auckland right. After the numerous stuff-ups that surrounded the opening of the Newmarket station, we’ve had a reasonably good run in recent times (although the huge celebration to open the partially finished extension to the previously upgraded Kingsland station was a bit strange).…

Onehunga – progress report

The battle to get the Onehunga railway line up and running has been a fairly long one, and not too long ago I was a bit worried about whether it was ever going to happen – but finally now we’re starting to see some dates shore up, we should see construction work happening on the Onehunga Station in the near future.…

Progress on Auckland’s PT

I learned quite a few interesting and useful things about the progress of various public transport projects throughout Auckland today, as well as various other aspects of how things are going. I will briefly outline what I can remember, but feel free to ask for further information on anything in particular in the comments thread: Resource consent for building the Onehunga Station was received last week, and construction has just begun on this station (the first step being to demolish existing buildings on the site).…