A Targeted Rate on Parking

Targeted rates seem all the rage these days with Auckland Council starting with the Interim Transport Levy under the previous administration, what became dubbed as the Bed Tax in the last annual plan, and now the myriad of water quality and environmental ones in the new Long Term Plan.…

Rail Siding Fund

Though the website is down at the time of writing this article one of the more interesting transport policies of New Zealand First was creating a fund/grant etc. to help fund private rail sidings. For those unfamiliar, a rail siding for the purposes of this post is basically track used for loading/unloading trains so, for example, a factory will have rail sidings connecting to the KiwiRail network where trains can access the factory and load/unload.…

Light Rail Ticketing

Light rail plans are progressing fast, which got me thinking about the different options for doing ticketing for these services. First off I think it is likely the service will have to either not accept cash fares or will need to provide ticket machines at all Light Rail stations.…

Are our Business Cases Founded on a Lie?

Last year Matt wrote a post about NZTA’s Post-implementation reviews. These reviews are undertaken a few years after a project is completed and perform three functions: To see how the outcomes compare what was expected before the project was built To explain any variation in those measures To identify lessons that can be learned to improve other projects.…

Eastern Busway – Why Panmure will be fine

The Eastern Busway (previously known as AMETI) will extend Auckland’s rapid transit network out into the east and southeast part of the city – extending from Panmure out to Botany: Unlike other parts of the rapid transit network, which run all the way into the city, the Eastern Busway essentially ends at the Panmure station (although over time it may be extended to Ellerslie).…