Rod Oram: a legacy to live up to

Yesterday we had the very sad news that business and climate journalist Rod Oram had died after having a heart attack while cycling through Ambury Park on Sunday. Rod was one of the absolute best at being able to communicate the connections and paths between how we live and how we could live – most especially and urgently in recent years, on the need for climate action and the abundant opportunities to achieve it in realistic and rewarding ways.…

The climate will (continue to) deliver its own advice

Yesterday the Climate Change Commission released their final advice for the government’s second Emission Reduction Plan which will run from 2026 to 2030. Notably they titled the release: Government policies must add up to achieve climate goals While the Commission’s analysis shows the country has made progress, it is not on track to meet its climate goals for the end of this decade.…

Waka Kotahi shows its true colours

Much like Auckland Transport did a year ago following local body elections, Waka Kotahi are showing their true colours by quickly cancelling pausing walking, cycling and public transport projects in the wake of the general election. Radio NZ reports: Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency) is putting on hold hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for projects designed to reduce New Zealand’s emissions through encouraging walking, cycling and the use of public transport.…

ATs 2023-2031 Public Transport Plan

Auckland Transport have launched consultation for their Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP). The RPTP is an important statutory document that lays out how public transport will develop and operate in the region. It includes Auckland Transport’s vision, goals, policies, plans for PT as well as a description for all services they intend to run and the frequencies they will run at.…

The Bicycle as Climate Hope

This is a guest post from Robert McLachlan a Cycling Action Network board member and a professor at Massey University. It originally appeared here. What role can cycling play in Aotearoa’s climate action? This question tends to prompt two extreme responses that are so far apart as to seem contradictory.…

Pick up the ball and run, AT!

This is a guest post by Heidi O’Callahan Settle in for a long read. This post-and-a-half is too important to cut short. At last month’s Auckland Transport (AT) Board meeting, one of the Board’s tasks was to check that AT is on track to deliver the Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway (“TERP”).…