New Harbour Crossing Survey

The government yesterday announced a consultation on the options for a new harbour crossing. Aucklanders are being asked to have their say on one of the most significant city-shaping projects for Tāmaki Makaurau in coming decades, the Waitematā Harbour crossing, Transport Minister Michael Wood has announced.…

Why extend the Wynyard Tram?

The question of what to do about the Auckland Dockline Tram appears to be rearing its head again, with the group behind it presenting their latest version of a proposal to the City Centre Residents Group  (CCRG) earlier this week. The Auckland Dockline Tram presentation to CCRG on Monday night.…

A few more ideas to plug the council’s revenue gap

Yesterday I covered the that the council has revealed it has a $270 million operational cost gap that it needs to fill, largely caused by higher than expected inflation and interest costs. A lot of public discussion has already begun on how to address that and it seems to be focusing on things like selling the council’s airport shares or leasing out port operations.…

The real work begins for Auckland Council

The Auckland Council’s first “proper” Governing Body meeting this Thursday signals that Wayne Brown’s mayoralty will need to shift away from daily press releases and onto the real work of governing New Zealand’s largest city. And it seems our new mayor, and his fellow councillors, are going to have a pretty rough ride with a $270 million operational cost gap to fill – largely caused by higher than expected inflation and interest costs.…

Mode share isn’t set in stone

Last week the new Auckland Council held their first meeting and after some school-grade antics over the seating arrangements, the new (and returning) councillors gave their maiden speeches. There were some great speeches, and you can watch them all in the video below, but the focus of this post is on a small segment by new Howick Councillor and former National MP, Maurice Williamson.…

Weekly Roundup 04 November 2022

Kia ora, we’re heading into Whiringa-a-Rangi (November) and weekly roundup’s back with a weekend’s worth of stories for you. Header image: the world’s longest train, via Twitter. The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post was a guest post by Aaron Schiff about changes in Auckland’s young(ish) adult population over time.…

Kidical Mass: the future on wheels

This post began as a thread over on Twitter, where it struck a chord. All I did was share some thoughts and photos from last weekend’s lovely Kidical Mass bike ride (hosted by Bike Auckland under the banner of Biketober and the inaugural Auckland Climate Festival)… and it really took off.…

AT to remove cancelled buses from timetables

Auckland is currently short about 500 bus drivers and the shortage is resulting in thousands of services a day being cancelled. It a major factor towards making public transport in Auckland beyond a joke right now. In response, yesterday Auckland Transport announced that they will be temporarily removing regularly cancelled buses from timetables.…