Efeso Collins’ Transport Policy
Last week we covered the transport policy of mayoral candidate Viv Beck. Later that same day, the Labour and Greens endorsed candidate and current Councillor Efeso Collins announced his transport policy, calling it a “Five-point Transport Plan To Unlock’s Auckland’s Potential“.…
Ferry Changes and Fuel Tax discount extension
There were two interesting announcements in the last few days. Ferry changes
On Friday Auckland Transport announced on Friday it has struck a deal with ferry operator Fullers to make changes to the commercially operated Devonport and Waiheke Island routes, but also a major change to how ferries will operate in Auckland in the future.…
Flashback Saturday: Road to Zero – the new road safety strategy
This post by Matt was originally published in July 2019
Last week Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter released for consultation a draft of a new road safety strategy for New Zealand – known as “Road to Zero”. The Minister’s foreword to the strategy outlines the “case for change” in a pretty compelling way:
Across New Zealand, more than one person is killed every day and seven others are seriously injured in road crashes.…
Weekly Roundup 15-July-2022
Kia ora. It’s been a wet and gloomy week but Weekly Roundup’s here to brighten things up!
Cover image from Mont Royal, Montreal – read more below. The week in Greater Auckland
On Monday, a guest post explained why biofuels aren’t the solution we’re led to believe they are.…
A Hollow Victory for Auckland Council
On Friday last week, the High Court released its decision on the All Aboard Aotearoa (AAA) vs Auckland Transport and Auckland Council judicial review. The topic was the decision-making around the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). This plan estimates its investments will lead to an estimated 6% increase in Auckland’s transport emissions by 2031, and that the Government’s clean car policy and shift to biofuels mean the final result will be a paltry 1% reduction.…
Cancelled Buses
If you’ve tried catching a bus over the last few weeks and not had any issues, count yourself lucky, as a wave of cancellations have been striking bus routes all over the region. For example, this was what AT’s mobile app showed me on a trip last week – I had caught the 866 after an NX1 service was cancelled and was hoping to transfer to the 20, but it too was cancelled, along with a few Inner Links in a row.…
Waikato Expressway Speed Limit Raising
This is a guest post by Greater Auckland reader Jack Gibbons.
Beginning tomorrow, July 13th, the Waikato Expressway from Hampton Downs to Cambridge will have the speed limit of 110km/hr.
Today, July 12th, there is going to be an opening ceremony for the Hamilton section of the expressway.…
Biofuels in New Zealand – A Solution or a Problem?
This is a guest post by David K. David worked in the oil industry for many years in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and New Zealand.
Legislation to mandate biofuel percentages in New Zealand’s petrol and diesel is going through parliament and will become law in the near future.…
Flashback Saturday: The power of disruption
This post was originally published by Heidi in July 2020.
Image: CICLOVÍAS EMERGENTES Lineamientos de Implementación – Gobierno de la Ciudad de México
Good leaders seek ways to change what needs to be changed. And for climate, safety and equity, there is much that needs to be changed.…
Weekly Roundup 08-July-2022
Kia ora! Hope you’ve had a good week, and welcome to our Weekly Roundup.
Header image by Jessica Rose, from Twitter The week in Greater Auckland
On Monday, Matt wrote about improving and electrifying regional rail.
Tuesday’s post looked at Mayoral candidate Viv Beck’s quite sensible transport policy.…
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