Airport connections, consider the whole network

The idea of a heavy rail spur to the airport has been getting an airing again and there’s a lot of deliberately false and misleading information being presented as fact as part of this. We’ve discussed the issue of a Puhinui connection and many of the other concerns raised by those wanting it many times in the past, including: A look at the HR option specifically Why agencies dropped it Seattle’s use of light rail to its airport which is a similar length to what’s proposed and even has an on street section similar to us.…

Riding the Northern New Network

This is a guest post from reader and friend of the blog, Shan L, He has also written about his new network experiences for the South, West, East and Central when those networks rolled out. The go-live of the New Network for the North Shore happened on Sunday last month – the final major chunk of new network to go live since the south changed over almost two years ago.…

Flashback Saturday: Demographia fails Urban Economics 101

Every weekend we dig into the archives. This post by Peter was originally published in March 2015. Every year since 2005, pro-sprawl think-tank Demographia has published a new edition of its “International Housing Affordability Survey“. They report a “median multiple” measure of housing affordability that compares median house prices to median household incomes within a number of cities, mostly in the English-speaking world.…

Transport Growth Networks – South

Just over a month ago we highlighted the consultation for the transport corridors supporting the major greenfield development areas in Warkworth and around Dairy Flat. It built on work done by Auckland Transport a few years ago and was the first public part of a process that will see major transport corridors designated well in advance of any development.…

Electric City: What Academic Research Tells Us About the Future of E-bikes

This is a cross post from our friends over at Bike Auckland. Electric bikes are not only heaps of fun to ride, they have the potential to transform how we commute. Understanding that potential is the job of The Future of the Bike, a collaborative research project that examines how innovations in bicycle technology and city planning can support urban sustainability in New Zealand.…

Constellation Station falls over

Yesterday was the first true test of the new bus network for the North Shore. Things seemed to go fairly smoothly in the morning peak, but in the afternoon peak a huge bus bottleneck at Constellation Station created all sorts of chaos:…

Next steps for the new network

Yesterday Auckland Transport rolled out the new bus network on the North Shore, the final major implementation of their New Network project which began (publicly at least) back in 2012. It has seen the bus network for the entire region redesigned based around principles of frequency, connectivity and simplicity.…