The Change Agency

Auckland Transport is not (just) a transport agency, it is a change agency. Auckland Transport (AT) is the lead agency of change to our public realm in Auckland. AT has to front increasing amounts of change in both small and large ways, to our streets, to our daily experiences, and is therefore is the main focus for anyone, reasonable or otherwise, who has a view on these changes.…

Postcard from Sydney: March Madness

This is a guest post from reader Nik With the start of the academic year in both secondary and tertiary institutions along with everyone having settled back into work, March has traditionally been the time of the year when Public Transport is strained the most, as is often talked about within the blog.…

Platform Screen Doors – Light Rail

We think Platform Screen Doors should be part of the City Rail Link project, in the underground stations. There are four main reasons for this: Lower operating costs as Air Conditioning/Heating are not lost, and items cannot be thrown on tracks; Higher platform capacity as larger crowds can be accommodated without risk of people falling on tracks; Higher resilience as the tracks cannot be accessed from platform by passengers; Higher passenger satisfaction as creates feel of modern metro system as well as more effective air conditioning; Platform screen doors should be included day one of the CRL as adding them in later will cause unnecessary disruption.…

Mt Eden Mess

It often ends up that what should be the smallest and simplest improvements end up as the biggest battles and that’s proving true again in Mt Eden. Last month, Auckland Transport consulted on a number of changes to bus infrastructure on Mt Eden Rd to make buses work better.…

The Regional Fuel Tax

We’re approaching halfway through the consultation period for the Council’s 10 year budget and already 4,300 Aucklanders have provided feedback. This budget, technically known as the “Long Term Plan”, outlines where billions of dollars of Council investment will go over the next decade.…

Takapuna Carpark

You’re a council that wants to create a better city, one that has quality urban environments, enough housing and that is easy to get around by public transport or by walking and cycling. But, you currently have a housing crisis, a congestion crisis and it’s hard to solve any of it because you have a funding crisis.…