CRL progress – Nov-17

City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) are presenting to the Council’s Finance and Performance Committee tomorrow. Their presentation contains a number of updates on the project. First of all there are some important project wide comments. CRLL is owned by both the government and the council who act as sponsors.…

Rethinking AMETI/Eastern Busway

With the election of a new Government, we can have a little rethink of several proposed projects. One of these projects is AMETI, also now known as the Eastern Busway. This is a project that has been underway since before Auckland Transport existed and all political parties have supported yet seems to make little progress.…

Port Performance

The issue around ports has been a hot topic of late. Recently I stumbled across some data about our ports which I found interesting so thought I would share. The data contains history of imports and exports from each port (sea and air) by both weight and dollar value.…