T2/3 or Bus Lane – How AT decides

Recently a lot of discussions have been occurring on how AT decides whether to place a Transit Lane vs a Bus Lane, I decided the investigate and this is what I found. According to the AT Code of Practice on the matter, the following flowchart is used So for a route to qualify for a Bus Lane it has to Be either a Frequent Transit Network route or have 15bph.…

What the 2017 budget could deliver for transport

Tomorrow Steven Joyce delivers his first budget as Finance Minister. Here are a few thoughts from a transport perspective on what we know will be in it, what might be in it and what we hope will be in it. What we know will be in the budget As part of statements made in the lead up to the budget, Joyce has made a number of comments about upcoming spending, including that the budget will set out up to $11 billion of new capital spend which is on top of normal spending from the likes of the National Land Transport Fund.…

City Centre Targeted Rate Budget

Recently I have gone through the latest Agenda of the City Centre Advisory Board and found some very interesting items. I will endeavour to post updates from Agenda’s in the future if anything new pops up as I think many of you will be interested, as it contains updates on the upgrades that are funded by the City Centre Targeted Rate, including projects from the City Centre Masterplan.…

A bike to share in Auckland

Bike share has schemes have exploded in popularity across the world in recent years as cities look to improve transport options. With the government’s Urban Cycleway Programme has finally started to see some real investment be put into cycling infrastructure, it’s timely to ask if we should be implementing bikeshare here.…

Sunday reading 21 May 2017

Welcome back to Sunday reading. I’m writing this on a quite nice Friday evening in Wellington, after spending two days talking to lots of people. The best thing I’ve read this week is an article by Emma Espiner in Newsroom: “Embrace foreign students – we may need them one day“.…

Is building more homes a sinister plot against the poor?

(Before you start reading, see Betteridge’s law of headlines.) The other day, someone pointed me towards an article on Truth-out.org with an amazing click-bait title: “YIMBYs: The ‘alt-right’ darlings of the real estate industry“. For those who are already confused, “YIMBY”, an acronym for “yes-in-my-backyard”, is how some housing advocates describe themselves to indicate that they would like to see more homes built in their cities to make them more affordable for more people.…