Funding Strategic Transport
With the release of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) it once again got me thinking about a funding anomaly in our transport system, the Rapid Transit Network (RTN), or the Proposed Future Strategic Public Transport Network as ATAP calls it.…
Assorted bike related news
A few of bike related things from recent days.
Lightpath turns one in just over a week (December 3rd) and in its first year has seen over 200,000 bike trips across its magenta surface. So the other day it was fantastic to hear that it had won the transport category of the World Architecture Festival, and it looks like it had some strong competition.…
Zoning reform: How California got into the mess it’s in
This is the latest in an ongoing series on the politics and economics of zoning reform. Previous posts have argued that the benefits of enabling urban development generally outweigh the costs, but that local government political dynamics may serve as a barrier to achieving those benefits.…
State Houses and Social Housing (part 3)
State housing, or “social housing” more generally, is often in the news for one reason or another. Governments over the years have all had their own policies. In this post series, I won’t really be looking at the pros and cons (at least not much) – I’ll mainly be looking at some of the numbers.…
ATs rail assets and costs
Occasionally Auckland Transport will publish reports that originally went to their closed after they’re no longer deemed to be confidential. One of these released recently was a deep dive into ATs rail infrastructure and contained quite a bit of interesting but somewhat wonky information, particularly around rail related assets AT have.…
November 16 AT Board Meeting
Tomorrow the AT board meet for their penultimate meeting of the year and it looks like it will be a big one with a lot on the agenda of their closed session.
Closed Session
I’ve added my thoughts after many of the items.…
October-2016 Patronage
Ridership figures for public transport in Auckland during October are now available and they continue to grow, driven almost exclusively by huge growth on the Rapid Transit Network (RTN) – the rail lines and the Northern Busway.
Compared to October-2015, total ridership this October increased by 2.7% with just under 7.3 million trips taken, but within that figure the use of the RTN has continued its double-digit growth and is up 16.3% (rail up 16.4% and busway up 16.2%). …
Sunday Reading 20 November 2016
I’m an immigrant from the US so the election results have been both disturbing and humbling and have made me reflect on the amount of time I spend both professionally and personally on urban issues. When I first started doing this over 20 years ago, the inside joke was “urbanism can solve tooth decay.”…
Ride Sharing & Fare Evasion – Land Transport Amendments
The Government has introduced this years Land Transport Amendment Bill, they say it will Introduce new requirements that will apply to all small passenger services, by removing outdated provisions and by catering for the use of new technologies that facilitate such services
Make the alcohol interlock programme mandatory for repeat and serious first time drink-driving offenders
Increase penalties for fleeing drivers, or those who fail or refuse to provide information that may lead to the identification of fleeing drivers
Include new provisions to help limit fare evasion on public transport
Update the Act’s requirements relating to heavy vehicles to complement the new Land Transport (Vehicle Dimensions and Mass) Rule 2016
Make miscellaneous changes to various Act provisions to make them more workable.…
Geographic dimensions of Trumpism
Donald Trump’s unexpected presidential victory has already prompted a considerable body of political analysis, which will no doubt be extended and elaborated over the coming years as we all get to grips with the forces that propelled him to victory (or, conversely, which consigned Clinton to defeat).…
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