Nelson St Cycleway Numbers

A great image of Te Ara I Whiti, The Lightpath as taken from a plane by pilot Vaughn Davis. As he noted in his tweet, it looks like it’s been added in post Yesterday AT also released some updated results of cycle movements on the LightPath and Nelson St.…

November-15 Patronage

Auckland Transport released patronage results for November yesterday and once again there were some great numbers – helped a little by there being one extra business day and one less weekend day. Even so it was another spectacular month for rail – which wasn’t particularly surprising given the strong growth we’ve been seeing and that near the end of November it was announced that Auckland had passed 15 million rail trips within a 12 month period.…

ProdCom calls for Submissions on Urban Planning

The Productivity Commission has put out a paper calling for submissions on Urban Planning, here. It’s a very wide ranging, going right back to first principles where they have discovered that: Yet even among planners, there appears to be no agreed definition of “planning” or “urban planning”, and writers have struggled with whether a definition can be provided.…

Sunday reading 13 December 2015

Running motorways through cities, it seems, was not the best of last century’s ideas. Alana Semuels in The Atlantic describes the growing trend of Motorway tear downs in North America- “Highways Destroyed America’s Cities: Can tearing them down bring revitalization?“. “Where urban highway construction did occur, in urban design terms, it was highly detrimental to the urban fabric; creating physical and psychological rifts that are extremely difficult to bridge and introducing a substantial source of noise and air pollution,” Shelton and Gann wrote.…

Commercial Bay

Precinct Properties have confirmed that they’ll proceed with the $681 million redevelopment of the Downtown Shopping Centre – which includes the construction of a 39 storey office building – after reaching their target of having 50% of the development pre-leased. Precinct own the current mall, along with the HSBC, Zurich, PWC and AMP towers and are grouping them all into a precinct they’re calling Commercial Bay which is the name originally given to the area before the land was reclaimed.…

Waterview December Update

The Waterview Connection project is currently New Zealand’s biggest transport project and the team working on it regularly put out pictures and videos of  the work they’re doing. Here are some of the latest updates. Over the weekend the arch of the Hendon St walking and cycling bridge was installed.…