Comparing Capacity

It seems Auckland Transport is slowing getting better with simple advertising. First we saw the nice, simple and effective Bus Lane poster. Now it’s the rail network and City Rail Link’s turn. On AT’s Facebook Page for the CRL this image has appeared highlighting the capacity of our new trains.…


This is a Guest post by Wellington Architect Guy Marriage Wellingtonians get a hard press in the Auckland papers sometimes, but last Thursday we thoroughly deserved it. We are normally a fairly resilient lot, and put up with more than our fair share of howling wind and torrential rain at times, but regularly battle through with trains and buses all performing admirably.…

The Albert St Sandpit

It appears that Albert St is shaping up to be one massive sandpit for the next few years after Mansons TCLM have announced details of their plans for the site currently occupied by the Herald. New Zealand’s tallest new office tower, the $675 million 1 Mills Lane, is planned for the NZME.…

AT’s Ferry Development Plan

This week Auckland Transport announced they were looking to update the Regional Public Transport Plan, with one of the updates being the Ferry Development Plan. This document provides some more information into AT’s thinking around ferries. First up, how ferries perform today.…

Writers Festival event: Designing Auckland

As part of the Auckland Writers Festival, Patrick Reynolds will be joining other local urban professionals in a conversation about transportation, housing and land use. Join former Auckland Council urban designer Sue Evans, urban designer Garth Falconer, and architectural photographer and blogger Patrick Reynolds for a discussion on exemplars, blunders, and how many NIMBYs and/or planners it takes to cause paralysis.…