How Much Upzoning Does The Unitary Plan Really Enable And Is That Much Likely?

It’d be fair to say that there’s quite a bit of unease around parts of Auckland at the level of change the draft Unitary Plan appears to allow. In particular it seems as though the raising of height limits in town centres seems to terrify people of a certain age (just check out the grey hair at many of these public meetings- how many of these objectors will actually be around to be outraged when anything is actually built?)…

We need to stop underselling PT

One thing that really frustrates me about public transport projects is the tendency of both our official agencies and many supporters to completely undersell the benefits of them. Auckland Transport is a frequent offender of this and I think that the main problem is that they are a bit gun shy.…

Good and Bad bus drivers

Glad we don’t have any bus drivers like this in Auckland ….. that I’m aware of. Video released Friday, April 12th, 2013 shows an assault which occurred on a public StarTran bus in Lincoln, Nebraska. The incident happened in the late afternoon of Saturday March 23rd at 84th & ‘O’ streets.…

Ngati Whatua on the Unitary Plan

An interesting opinion piece by Rob Hutchison, the chief executive of Ngati Whatua Orakei’s investment arm Whai Rawa, in yesterday’s NZ Herald about the Unitary Plan. Some key points: As mana whenua or guardians of the central Auckland area, Ngati Whatua Orakei is right behind the council’s desire to protect the sustainability of our natural resources and the heritage of Tamaki Makaurau.…