Auckland’s Future Transport Projects Consultation

Mayor Wayne Brown has regularly called for “a joined-up, comprehensive transport plan, written by Aucklanders“. Earlier this year it was covered in a council agenda item and titled the Auckland Integrated Transport Plan. The Minister of Transport and the Mayor have agreed on the need for a broader plan to futureproof Auckland with a high-quality, joined-up transport system, which more closely integrates decision-making on cars, buses, trains, ferries, cyclists, pedestrians, freight and passenger rail and light rail.…

February-23 AT Board Meeting

Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board hold their first meeting of the year. Below are some of the things that stood out from the various papers. Closed Agenda These are the items that stand out from the closed agenda. Standing Items TERP Implementation – Next Steps and Climate change and TERP implementation Special Event Management Public Transport Recovery Emergency Event Recovery Items for Approval AT Open Loop Recommendation – I assume this part of ATs plan to go ahead with plans to open up HOP to credit cards and phone based payment apps in advance of the national ticketing system.…

Wayne Brown’s Letter of Expectation to AT

Today the council will decide what to consult on in next years budget. Another important item on the agenda will be approving the Letters of Expectation for Council Controlled Organisations like Auckland Transport. The letter of expectation is meant to do what it says on the tin, to tell the CCOs what the council expects of them and the CCOs are meant to take them into account when developing their annual plans – though it seemed Auckland Transport pretty much ignored them during Phil Goff’s term.…

Transport Plan Déjà vu

As part of the announcement on Saturday of additional government funding for the Eastern Busway, Minister of Transport Michael Wood and Mayor Wayne Brown also announced plans to work together on a new transport plan for Auckland. Alongside this important step, Auckland Council and the Government have confirmed a path ahead  for crucial futureproofing projects such as getting the best return out of the City Rail Link, Auckland Light Rail and the Alternative Waitemata Harbour crossing, Transport Minister Michael Wood and Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown have announced today.…