Weekly Roundup 03-March-2023

Tēnā koutou. It’s MARCH!! Thanks for stopping by, summer, you were… chaotic. Header image: the bicycle club of the Holy Sepulchre on Khyber Pass Road. Image via Twitter. The week in Greater Auckland Tempted to rename this section ‘the week in Auckland Transport’ because our posts had a real AT focus this week – and a lot happened.…

8 Big Questions for AT’s Board

This is a guest post by Heidi O’Callahan With climate change upon us, and transport at the heart of Auckland’s climate response, the AT Board must guide everyone in the right direction when it meets tomorrow. In particular, Board members must hold firm against any business-as-usual recommendations the management team brings before them. …

February-23 AT Board Meeting

Tomorrow the Auckland Transport board hold their first meeting of the year. Below are some of the things that stood out from the various papers. Closed Agenda These are the items that stand out from the closed agenda. Standing Items TERP Implementation – Next Steps and Climate change and TERP implementation Special Event Management Public Transport Recovery Emergency Event Recovery Items for Approval AT Open Loop Recommendation – I assume this part of ATs plan to go ahead with plans to open up HOP to credit cards and phone based payment apps in advance of the national ticketing system.…

Weekly Roundup 17-February-2023

Kia ora, everyone: it’s been a tough week for the whole country, with the massive devastation and loss of lives, livelihoods, and neighbourhoods caused by Cyclone Gabrielle. Our hearts go out to everyone affected. The Week in Greater Auckland On Monday Matt wrote about how we need Auckland Transport and Kiwirail to do a better job in managing the reliability of our public transport network.…

Expressways and Resilience

It’s been devastating to see the destruction all around the country caused by Cyclone Gabrielle and the floods in Auckland a few weeks ago and our thoughts go out to all those impacted by them. One of the narratives already emerging from these events is the question of whether this is finally what it will take for us as a country to get serious about climate change.…

Managing our stormwater

This post contains two guest posts from readers, both of which were sent to us after the flooding on Friday 27 January, both of which discuss how we handle our stormwater. This is a guest post from Ed Clayton, who’s written for us before about Auckland’s relationship with freshwater, the potential for green-tracking light rail, and creating ‘green density’ with Ecological Build Zones. …

The Transport Choices Package

Yesterday the government announced the Transport Choices Package, which is funded from their Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) as part of the actions to deliver on the targets of the Emissions Reduction Plan. As the name suggests, this programme of work is intended to reduce emissions by improving transport choices for New Zealanders.…