Expressways and Resilience

It’s been devastating to see the destruction all around the country caused by Cyclone Gabrielle and the floods in Auckland a few weeks ago and our thoughts go out to all those impacted by them. One of the narratives already emerging from these events is the question of whether this is finally what it will take for us as a country to get serious about climate change.…

Managing our stormwater

This post contains two guest posts from readers, both of which were sent to us after the flooding on Friday 27 January, both of which discuss how we handle our stormwater. This is a guest post from Ed Clayton, who’s written for us before about Auckland’s relationship with freshwater, the potential for green-tracking light rail, and creating ‘green density’ with Ecological Build Zones. …

The Transport Choices Package

Yesterday the government announced the Transport Choices Package, which is funded from their Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) as part of the actions to deliver on the targets of the Emissions Reduction Plan. As the name suggests, this programme of work is intended to reduce emissions by improving transport choices for New Zealanders.…

December-22 AT Board Meeting

On Thursday the Auckland Transport board meets for the last time this year, and also the first time since the council new council was sworn in. It’s unclear if they’ll even have a quorum for the meeting. Chair Adrienne Young-Cooper resigned immediately after the council elections, and Tommy Parker resigned at the start of this month.…

We need a smarter response from the Auckland Business Chamber

There’s an often misattributed quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It captures how I felt reading an op-ed yesterday by Simon Bridges, former Transport Minister and now head of the business lobby group the Auckland Business Chamber, whose website says: Successful business ensures there are vibrant and successful communities, and the Chamber contributes to this through their support and advocacy that delivers the best platform from which business can operate.…

Turning over a new leaf

It is significant. It is a significant day for our city. It’s a significant decision. It gives us the strategy and policy and direction that we’ve been asking for. – Richard Hills, Chair of the Auckland Council Environment and Climate Change Committee On Thursday last week, Auckland Council adopted the Transport Emissions Reductions Pathway (TERP).…

The TERP: A Pathway to a Flourishing Future

Auckland Council has released a very encouraging, 80 page document: the Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway (TERP). The TERP describes what is required for Auckland to successfully reduce transport emissions in line with Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan. To be clear, the TERP is a pathway, not a to-do list.…