Students Reinventing Northcote

This is a guest post by Sam Duncan, an Urban Development student at Queensland University of Technology. Sam grew up in Auckland. Recently, the results of the C40 Students Reinventing Cities competition were released. In the competition, student-led teams each selected one site out of a collection from 18 cities across the globe.…

Clawing Back the Cost of Sprawl

Auckland is currently in the middle of a massive building boom with consents reaching a new all-time high in August with just under 20,000 issued in the last 12 months. Most of these consents are within the existing urban area but as Auckland’s population has grown, so too has its urban footprint.…

Why is induced demand still ignored?

An excellent recent article on CityLab discusses the important concept of ‘induced demand’ – the phenomenon where additional road capacity encourages more people to drive and fills the road back up again – as well as asking the important question of why is so much money still being spent on road widening when we know it doesn’t work.…

Northern Pathway dies

On Saturday the government announced they have scrapped the walking and cycling bridge across the harbour, something that was first hinted at in August. The Government has listened to feedback from New Zealanders and has decided not to proceed with the standalone bridge component of the Northern Pathway project and reallocate the funding to other transport projects that reduce emissions and congestion including the Eastern busway, Transport Minister Michael Wood announced today.…

Weekly Roundup 01-October-2021

Featured image: a Tokyo logistics trolley, Dan Hill/Medium And just like that, it’s October already. Aucklanders spent all of Mahuru/September, in lockdown. Hope you’re all doing well, here’s our weekly roundup! The week in Greater Auckland Monday’s post by Matt dove into Auckland’s public transport fares, how they’ve changed over the last decade, and how they compare to other cities On Tuesday, Matt wrote about the just-announced cluster of Midtown regeneration projects Wednesday’s post by Marita recounted her experience of a lockdown ride to the city centre, and the kid’s-eye view it gave her And yesterday’s post, again authored by Matt, went through the items on the list for this month’s AT board meeting.…